Massive Global Ransomware Attack Underway

This is a late post, I was prompted to do it after seeing it mentioned on the news again this evening.

A form of Ransomware seems to be gaining momentum. Please make sure that you are up to date on any Windows updates. I would recommend extra careful Internet usage practices for a while. Resist opening, or clicking on links that are in emails you receive. Be cautious of any documents someone sends you, that you are not expecting.

How to Protect Yourself From the Vulnerability

According to Microsoft a fix for this vulnerability was released on March 14th for all affected versions of Windows. If you are running Windows and have automatic updates enabled you should be okay. If you don’t and haven’t updated recently you should update to the most recently released version immediately. It is important to note that unsupported versions of Windows, like XP, did not receive this security update. Those systems should either be isolated or shut down.

Source: Wordfence Security

Comments welcome,

19 thoughts on “Massive Global Ransomware Attack Underway

  1. I saw this today too. Other than not clicking on attachments and keeping system updated, I don’t know what anyone can do. This has hit big organizations that I would expect have full blown IT departments.

    1. You are so right Kate, it all starts with just one employee clicking a link in some forwarded email, or visiting a site and clicking a link they shouldn’t be clicking from work. The reason this one is so prolific, is it’s network based.

      Once in the computer, it can spread via the local net work to other computers locking them down also. I think a hospital in the UK was hit today or yesterday and it brought their systems down pretty much. Thanks for the comment and stay safe. Always nice to see that smile.

    1. Thanks Anne, I knew it was a rather odd blog post, but since it was so prevalent, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to let others know.

  2. Ron
    I saw this mentioned on CNN and thanks for mentioning it and reiterating that we need to be careful. You are watching out for all of us.

    1. Seems to be working now.
      The big cyber attack mainly hit our Health Service, disrupting many hospitals and other clinics. Ransom demands popped up on the computers of many large companies, and it was all over the news for the whole day. It does appear that individuals were not targeted, but I am watching unsolicited emails very carefully now.
      They reported that it was a widely-sent email containing a virus, and it was opened by a hospital worker in England. From there, it spread through at least one third of the system Scary stuff!
      Best wishes, Pete.

      1. I didn’t see this till I had responded to your comment problem.
        Thanks for that information Pete. It is a bad one, I think as of last night the count was 74 countries had seen the virus. As you say, they seem to have targeted large entities so that they could cause more havoc since it spreads through network connection once opened. Thanks again for the information.

    2. Sorry for the trouble Pete. Was there an error given? Did you have a link in the comment? Please let me know if you have more problems with it, I want to prevent rejected comments!

      1. It said something about ‘comment being declined’ by your site. But it soon rectified itself. It it happens again, I will write down what it says.
        Regards, Pete.

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