More Book Sense, than Common Sense. (Trailerhood Tales)

Since I am trapped here for the foreseeable future, I may as well research, and find some stories to add to this certainly to-become-a-book, experience.

As some of you have read, The Troll (owner) retired from upkeep of the trailer park. Those not familiar with him, search for Troll here on the blog. His Son (a college professor) has taken over management of the park, along with a long time resident as an on-site manager. You’ve probably heard it said, that most people that are incompetent to run things, generally wind up in a management position. Perhaps a cruel joke of Karma. The son, is a college professor, which explains the title of this entry.

I’m not responsible

His first official action, was to meet with everyone, two trailers at the time, and request that we purchase one box per bathroom, of septic tank treatment. $5 a box. I have three bathrooms, so that was basically imposing a $15 a month hike in lot fee to maintain his septic system. I’m not responsible for his Septic system, other than not abusing it with chemicals that might degrade its service. Perhaps he was trying to avoid the sick maintenance his father always did. Too cheap to hire a septic service, he had the park flunky clean it out manually with a shovel, as seen in the 2016 post of “A Hard Day” is relative.

The second official act, was he appeared at the door with his assistant park manager, and inquired as to how many dogs did we own. When he asked if we knew which ones we would be willing to part with, Michelle started turning red, and foaming at the mouth with rage. I managed to calm her down, and keep him from being mangled. When they left, they understood our pets, were our children and not going anywhere.

Attempted to evict them, 3 times.

During one of our walks recently, we finally had the opportunity to talk with the nice quiet older couple on the corner. Turns out, they were celebrating a victory. For the last three years, the owner (Troll) of the park, had attempted to evict them 3 times. Their yard had always been pretty and well maintained. Once, it was because they parked their vehicle backed into their lot, with a busted side window. It looked “Trashy” according to Troll. We found out, that three attempts had been made, because they were Pagan. Troll being a big church member, simply can’t have Pagans living in his park! How horrible!

The judge asked if he was kidding

I nearly fell over laughing when the lady told us how the recent court appearance went. It seems the prior two times, the eviction was based on flimsy reasons. This time however, the wife remarked to the judge, that the owner just wanted them out, since he learned three years ago, that they were Pagan. Now here’s the knee slapper. Judge looks at the park owners son who is representing the park, and asks “is this true”? The highly educated professor son replies, “That was my father”. At which point the judge asked if he was kidding. Professor stays quiet, the judge asks then why was he even there. The judge remarked that the park is owned by the same family, who apparently doesn’t care for other religious beliefs. He threw the eviction case out, and told the son that he did not wish to see him back trying to evict the couple.

How dumb can an educated person be, to go and continue an eviction based on religion, in this day and age. He actually stood there, and admitted in court to the judges question, that his father was trying to evict them, on religious grounds. That, ladies and gentleman, is a true lack of common sense, but a good outcome for justice.

Share your adventures in crazy landlords. Comments always welcome.

17 thoughts on “More Book Sense, than Common Sense. (Trailerhood Tales)

  1. Good to hear that commonsense did prevail in your local court, Ron.
    If I ever win the lottery, I am definitely moving you out of there.
    You can write the book in retrospect, from somewhere nicer. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Thanks, Pete. There is a strong good-ole-boy system in these parts, but they have grown out of it to a degree. The Troll, knows, or just about knows everyone local, so they tend to look the other way. Apparently, this judge was not one of them. Thanks for the comment, Pete. I’m usually faster at replying, but I have been working around the house, helping Michelle move furniture and building her a couple of work tables.

  2. You sure are collecting stories (that are hard to believe happen today) for a good book. I would have loved to be there when he asked which pets you can part with. The man is lucky he walked out alive. We looked at a home in an over 55 community. They have a 2 pet rule. As they were high pressuring us, I mentioned that I had 4 cats which eliminated us. They said that they have a formula and we would pass it. They never explained it but I had no intention of buying into some place where I would live in fear that someone taking over would make us get rid of pets. Just not gonna happen.

    1. She, flew off the handle! I had to calm her down, explain to him that we were not told of any limit to pets, and that our pets were old. There is no way we would part with any of them. These people, want to act like your home is an extension of the lot you rent. We keep our small lot tidy, but what goes on in my home, is none of their business. As long as I don’t cause unhealthy issues on the lot, or disturb neighbors. Good to hear someone else, has come across this problem before, Kate. Thanks for the comment.

  3. I was really hoping for your and Michelle’s sake that you were going to get to move out. However, I selfishly hoped that you would stay there because not since I lived in the back hills of Scappoose, Oregon have I heard of such people as live around you. I miss the crazy, but not enough to live in it any more. Thanks for taking one for the team, Ron.

    1. We are still hoping for that as well, Elizabeth. The Heart Attack after moving here, set us back. You never know what, might transpire tomorrow, and we sail away from this asylum. Thanks for the comment.

    1. I attributed it to his intellect, more book sense than common sense, and he doesn’t like animals. He’s a professor at a college, and probably hates being put in charge of the Trailer Hood, by his father. Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it.

    1. I think, the world has finally outgrown the old crony system they operated under. Some in this world, in this area, tend to subscribe to, “It’s only illegal, if you’re caught”.

      Yes, Pagan. You know, you can’t get quality idiots to move in, if you have those horrible Pagans living here! Of course, after our first Halloween here, they decided I was a High Priest devil worshiper. Must have been the Grim Reaper outfit, and Michelle’s Witch outfit. So they now have a High Priest at one end of the street, and Pagans at the other! There goes the neighborhood. LoL.

      1. Geez I forgot about that – emoticons! That’s what I’ll use from now on. It’s odd, though… the “pre-made” cartoon emoji work on other WordPress sites I visit.

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