(Mother-In-Law) Her plan, is nearly complete. I should be insane by Spring

They say the holidays can be rough on many. It has never affected me much before. This season, after 3 years of living in the trailer hood, patching one item, while two more break. My left side getting weaker as time goes by. Each month finds us further behind due to medical bills since my heart attack a year ago. Then, as if I need another test, I have a mother-in-law that the 1961 song by Ernie K. Doe, fits perfectly.

Yes, I suppose I’m on my pity pot, as my mother would say. The heart attack I suffered a little over a year ago, was brought on from all the stress of dealing with her. No one else wants her. They know how she is, our son took her in after she couldn’t have things her way 5 years ago. That lasted all of 2 weeks, that says a lot. She has 3 sisters, 3 brothers. No one wants to deal with her, that says plenty more.

Fortunately, I am medicated to reduce the stress. Unfortunately, It makes me dead inside. I want to do YouTube videos, Blog, Do projects. I start, and then just meld into a state of dullness. Why bother.

The pharmaceuticals are amazing for taking the edge off the anger that builds from all the whining and bragging about her brothers and sisters, none of which want to step up and take care of her. It’s weird, I can recognize when I should be bothered by something, but then it just doesn’t bother me. The only time the shell is cracked, is when it is several really aggravating things in a short time period.

At this point in time, I’m not sure who is wackier, her or me. I’m a tad concerned, as the trailer hood denizens, are starting to look normal to me. 

“At night, to help me sleep. I count the buckles on my straight jacket”. 

Comments always welcome,

19 thoughts on “(Mother-In-Law) Her plan, is nearly complete. I should be insane by Spring

  1. I can manage my mother-in-law for about four hours. Three is better. And that’s with a full bottle of red wine.
    I think you should be made a Saint, for actually living with yours for three years.
    When you move, just forget to tell her, and wait until she has gone shopping.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. She’s been with us since her husband passed 8 years ago. She left for that brief two week period, and returned. She’s so lazy, that she has always had a dumb cell phone. She still can’t check her voice mails on it.
      I gave her luggage two years in a row, still hasn’t taken the hint.
      Michelle and I used to take her out to town each payday, but she kept coming back, so we quit.

    1. Thanks, Kate. I plan on blending in, nodding my head once in a while, and maybe manage a head tilt, as if I’m listening. I hate to say it, but I will be glad when this one is over, next year we are planning a quiet simple holiday. Maybe decorate the mother-in-law, if she isn’t in a home by then.

  2. Oh Gosh Ron, I don’t know whether to cry or laugh at this blog. Can’t you put her in a home? Tell your wife, she can visit her any time she wants in any home. They let you do that.

    1. Michelle had promised her dad, that she would not put her in a home as he was passing away. However, when she fell ill out of her stupidity a year ago, we had them send her to a rehab hospital for a month. Michelle is about ready to send her to one. With our bad backs and my heart, we can’t deal with the stress anymore. Thanks for the comment. I swear, I am coming to visit everyone’s blog soon.

  3. Can you get away at all for your sanity? Maybe park yourself in a diner or library or something? Just come home to sleep? I sure hope she doesn’t outlive you.

    1. We get out from time to time and go to town. It’s nice, but I would rather have it on a permanent basis. That month we had alone last year, was like a wonderful vacation. I hope she doesn’t outlive me either! Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it.

  4. Ron
    I feel for you. I am ok with said person ( from my family) visiting me but not ok with us visiting her.
    I hope and pray you can cut down the medications. Send mother in law to teach Sunday School- maybe that will cure her.
    I wish you a Merry Christmas.

    1. Merry Christmas to you Susie. She’s too lazy to teach anything, or even learn. You have to understnd, this woman doesn’t even put enough effort into placing a bread tie back on a loaf of bread, when she opens it. Opting instead to make a half baked effort of making a loose horseshoe of the bread tie.She’s the type, that won’t expend the energy to pour her cup of half finished coffee out. Instead she sits it in the sink with coffee in it. Along with her breakfast plate with pieces of food still on it. Lazy is an understatement, and mentioning it to her, just makes her want to cry. That’s manipulation to the max.
      Thanks for the comment. For now, I am enjoying the meds.

    1. Hi Lara. Thanks for the comment. That is why I’m medicated, to save on bail money. She isn’t mean, I think she is devious and puts on the poor little ole lady act. She loves to brag to the point of ad-nauseum, always about how she was sent to Etiquette school/classes. Yet she walks right in the room, talking to you before she even gets to you, whether your watching a movie or disarming a nuclear war-head.

      I’ve tried saying something nice, even tried being mean/rude to get the point across, nothing works. I think the time is coming though, as she is getting worse according to her, and Michelle and I can’t keep picking up after her, and all the things she thinks she requires. So maybe relief is on the way in the near future.

      The kids love to watch me when they come over for holidays. MIL will say something really stupid that should make me explode. I just stay quiet. The kids look my way, and one will remark, “You okay?” I just look at them with a comical wide-eyed goofy look and say “I’m medicated” Breaks the tension. Besides, it goes right over MIL head. Sometimes I tend to think there COULD be a a few fries missing from that Happy Meal.


        1. I’ve thought of writing about her from time to time. I fear some might think me insensitive or cruel. Some of her things are just too funny to pass up though.

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