My first SSD drive, Incorrect temperature reading.

This is a post of a technical nature. I had difficulty finding information on the extremely high temperature being reported from the drive. So I wanted to post this, in case anyone else were to run into the same problem. This is my first SSD drive. Purchased from New Egg, it was $30 total. I didn’t get a mounting adapter for it, so I used Velcro to hold it in a place where it gets excellent air-flow. Much better than if it was in a bay adapter.

60GB Patriot Flare 2.5 inch SSD 7mm thick.

I don’t think I will ever go back to HDD for my OS drive. It does load so much faster on boot up, 50% faster than before. Loading programs? Can we say, “Click, BANG!”? Loading of Chrome has gone from about 15 seconds, to 2 seconds. All of my programs load fast. This is a FLARE 60GB SSD this drive, to be used  only for running my main OS.

Freak Out Time!!

I like for things to run smoothly, if possible. So, I decided to check the operating temp of the drive, using a software utility in Linux. Most computer techs go by Celsius, I still think in Fahrenheit. When my eyes stopped on the temperature reading, I noticed 99 C, heart got a bit faster, still thinking in Fahrenheit. Then gazing to the next temp (in Fahrenheit) it read 210 F. At that moment, I thought the drive may try to live up to it’s name. (Flare)

We all know, once you let the smoke out of those components, they tend to stop working.

I nearly killed myself trying to shut down the computer, and unplug the power at the same time. Cautiously touching the drive, it was cool to the touch. At this point, I’m doing my best impression of a police K-9 frantically searching for drugs, only I was expecting the stink of smoldering components. We all know, once you let the smoke out of those components, they tend to stop working. It then struck me, if Michelle had walked in at that moment, she would assume I needed to be committed. After not detecting smoke, or a burning odor, I tried other temperature detection software, it reported a proper 32 C. Just like the other drives in the case.

Not much rattles me, except maybe electronics, running at nearly the temperature of boiling water! I found it humorous also, that the software was reporting “Disk is OK”. Now, that was funny. Perhaps, it should have read, “Please put flames out, hit Enter when ready”.


The REAL temperature of the drive displayed below. Apparently, the sensor in the Flare SSD doesn’t jive with the program I have, to read the disks temps.Selection_002.png


It’s over and finished now, I can put away the defibrillator paddles! :)

8 thoughts on “My first SSD drive, Incorrect temperature reading.

  1. OMG, haha, sorry I shouldn’t laugh, but can’t help it at that visual! I used to have high readings until I installed a little fan program, it seems to know when it has to come on and cool things down… It’s called SMCFanControl. I think it’s just for Macs though. But hey, I’m sure you know a TON more about that stuff than I do… just looking at the items on your screen shot and the serious computing power you’ve got there, tells me you know what you’re doing. Meanwhile I still haven’t gotten around to watching your Gutenberg tutorial videos. But I will!! 😀

    1. I meant for it to be humorous. I was just shocked when I saw that temperature initially. 70 C is the critical point, and the first time it displayed, it reported 212 F, the boiling point of water! 🙂
      That reminds me, I really need to make that video piece over again. Of course not many will see it, and I’m not shooting for an Oscar with it. Thanks for the comment Ellie.

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