New Blogging Year begins

Detoxed from the electronic fog

I have been gone awhile, and have missed all of you. There was no Internet connection for the last six days. While the Internet was down, It felt calmer. Like when the power goes out, it is so peaceful without the humming of electric motors and the myriad of other devices. I’m elated that the connection is back, but it seems to have recharged me in some way. Detoxed from the electronic fog maybe?

The Doctor has told me to slow down or else. So blogging, and watching over my forum, will be my two basic activities. No more really strenuous or stressful activities. Light exercise, and walking to keep away atrophy is okay. I have to realize, that ripping up floors and replacing them is a thing of the past. Simple low impact projects, will be my style now.

My phone is answered by me now, when I want to. I am cutting out Facebook, It is a toxic wasteland that I never became used to anyway. No more “Please send the kid with only a burlap bag body, money for arms and legs”, If family or friends want to find me, they can do searches for my Blog, email or text. My relaxation will be blogging on trailer park life as it occurs, along with various tutorials or projects. Maybe some photography and blogging of every day life.

I hope all of you had a nice Christmas, and a great start to the new year. I’m looking forward to visiting all of you.


Comments always welcome,

23 thoughts on “New Blogging Year begins

    1. Thank you so very much, Pete. Doc told me there is no choice, so I am on my way to relaxing. Michelle has been after me to slow down for years now. It’s just so hard trying to adjust to being unable to do some things, but I guess I must.
      As far as forums, they can be stressful at times, but I have a wonderful staff of Administrators that watch over things for me, and I can sit back more now and watch. I will limit myself for the most part to interaction with just my forum and my blog.

      Thanks for the listing of my blog on your blog. That is a great thing you do. We can find other bloggers of like mind.
      All the best for the new year.

  1. I care about you staying as healthy as possible. I am sure there is plenty to blog about without leaving home. Glad to see you back on line. Never got on Facebook myself.

  2. Thanks, Elizabeth. I will find things to blog about. The Park will wake up come Spring. In the meantime, I can laugh at all sorts of things that happen to me. My balance has gotten worse, so I now have a service dog, she was donated to me, insurance won’t pay for one (Workers Comp). That is something I could blog about later.

    Facebook? Never have liked it. I signed up for the family. Too much junk to wade through. You set junk filters to weed it out, and they change the filters. So I set up a page so that in the event my forum went down for extended time, I could post there about the problem/s and eta to returning online. I can control a page as to who and what can post to it. I think that will go bye-bye soon. I don’t like the horrible privacy problems with anything to do with Facebook. Some people enjoy it, it’s just not for me.


    1. Thanks Rooster! I hope the white stuff doesn’t get to rough. I haven’t even needed heat in the last 3 weeks, and the grass is starting to grow. This has been one of our warm Winter’s.
      Great to see you too, and thanks for the comment.

    1. Thanks, Anne. I missed all of you. I was a mess while they experimented with various pharmaceutical wonders. It’s great to know all of you that are so supportive.

    1. Very pleased to meet you, Lara. Pete is a terrific fella and I enjoy his blog. Thanks for dropping in and the nice comment. I tried, but I continued to be a klutz using Facebook. Someone mentions a post they made, and you spend 20 minutes scrolling through looking for it.

  3. Welcome back! Health is your most important asset so take good care of it. I’m on Facebook but, more and more, I only follow groups and clubs (photography, etc.). The other stuff is toxic.

    1. Thank You. I apologize, I have no idea why sometimes it shows you as Anonymous. I noticed yesterday, I had a blank avatar on your blog. I refreshed and it appeared. I appreciate your comment.

  4. I came this way via beetley pete’s recommendations – pleased to meet you. My husband is recovering from a triple coronary bypass and can’t do much more than watch TV at the moment (isn’t daytime TV rubbish?). He doesn’t even have the mental energy to pick up a sudoku or crossword.
    We’ve found it heartening to swap notes with people in similar circumstances. A colleague from my writing group had valve replacement surgery before David’s op and is still on heavy painkillers. A fellow choir-member said it took a year to feel like herself after open heart surgery. So I’m learning patience (and a bit of motor maintenance…).. I suppose it’s our age.
    Embrace the new lifestyle. I’m not what you’d call active (other than walking the dog) but since retirement I don’t have enough hours in the day for what I plan to do – and I still don’t get around to the dusting.
    Hope you’re soon feeling better.

    1. Hi Cathy! Great to meet you as well. I feel for you and your husband. In 2016, I had the quadruple bypass done, I am still sore to the skin area on my chest. I guess there was nerve damage from the surgery. I remember the pain and misery of those recovery days. Send him my best. I’m strange, medicines affect me differently, with strange reactions. Yet my body generally heals faster than normal. Michelle posted this to friends later.

      ” The surgeon said he is truly amazed, Ron is apparently a walking medical miracle because he said, he has never seen someone with only one partially open artery, (and be alive) and for him to be walking around and just complaining that he thought it was muscle spasm’s in his chest, (admittedly he was in severe pain at the time) when he was having a massive heart attack for over 48 hours, and apparently had also suffered a heart attack 2 weeks ago while he was mowing the grass and thought it was just a muscle spasm!!! Ron said on a scale from zero being no pain and 10 being the most incredible pain he’d ever felt, that he felt like it was a 14!!!”

      Daytime TV is rubbish.

      I’m about to finally give up and slow down some. As my tagline says, “Life in the Slow Lane”

      Thanks for the wonderful comment.


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