New Linux User, I’m Free at last.

It’s a good feeling. After being badgered over the last few months and having to “dodge” the stupid attempts of Microsoft to get Win10 on my computer. mint I decided 2 months ago to give Linux another kick in the tires. I haven’t regretted it once.

Several years ago I dabbled in it but was overwhelmed thinking I needed to learn all types of command code. Installation still was a bit of a hassle also. Then I tried Mint and my life has changed…

Linux Mint installed and found my wireless Canon Printer, loaded and played my video and sound files without complaining about needing a codec or driver. The install? Nearly simpler than Windows. The hardest thing (just joking) was sliding a bar to choose how much space to allocate to Linux! I had to go looking for a driver for my Scanner on the Canon All-in-one. It was accomplished by copy/pasting a couple commands from a web page into the terminal window and pressing enter. How easy is that!

It has been 60 days now with no nagging from Windows or MS trying to slip 2+Gb onto my machine even though I don’t even want Win10. It is a nice feeling to know that I installed something FREE that is as good as windows and just as simple unless I choose to delve deeper on my own. I now have my main computer and my laptop happily humming away on Linux “Mint/Rosa”

Try LInux, I think you’d be amazed at the feeling.

Comments welcome.

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