When the Repo Man needs saving. (Trailerhood Tales)

Well, it would seem our little park may be waking up. The rougher element may be creeping back into the area. Some people keep their cool better than others, and some excel in showing their rough redneck side. No offense to true rednecks that work hard. In this area of the south, it refers to rednecks that work when they have too, drink as much as possible, and generally don’t need rules to go by.

I feel sorry for those that have trouble finding work, or can’t do any better due to other factors holding them down. Heck, truth be know, I’m probably a few shingles shy of being in a bad spot myself. Some people, maybe because of the stress of what they are dealing with, just seem to forget other people and don’t consider that making noise at 2am might disturb others, that have to work, or may be sick.

I was shaken from my slumber by the dogs barking a few nights ago. Seems someone had broken down in front of our place. Slamming vehicle doors, talking loudly even though they were standing next to one another, and the loud sound of a hood being closed forcefully will do that. Apparently someone leaving the park had vehicle trouble, and had to call someone to assist them. They also really need a muffler as a Christmas present.

Then, the next morning at 4am the same vehicle breaks down on the way “into” the park, you guessed it, right in front of our house. This time they abandon the vehicle and leave talking or arguing loudly.

Yesterday, I hear a call to the county sheriff, regarding a Repo Man trying to repossess a vehicle on the back row. He was being threatened by the current owner of said vehicle. He told the dispatcher he would meet the deputies at the Dollar General just down the street. About 1 minute later, a call goes out, that the repo man can’t meet them at the Dollar General, as he is not being allowed to leave by the person he is dealing with. I started to walk around that way to see if there was any video worth catching, but decided I didn’t need any ventilation added to my body, if things really got worse.

I never did hear how it turned out. Obviously this person wasn’t going to give up his unpaid for vehicle, and had done his own Repo, of the repo man. Have you ever had the great pleasure of witnessing this stuff?

Comments, always welcome.

There is no “System” to the Education System.

This post was prompted by an article in the local news. Virtual classrooms are off to a failed start, due to lack of laptop computers for students K-12.

Money, Greed, and the good ole boy way of doing things. That, has been the downfall of Alabama Education. Football, which perhaps once upon a time could be considered educational for teaching team work. Is the most important part of education in Alabama. It’s a cash cow. Football gets all the money it needs, while students in a pandemic, have to beg for laptops. I’ve watched the educational system here unravel for the last 40+ years.

Where did it all go wrong, Some History

I remember as a child of the 60s, going to a book store downtown. Our parents had to scrape up enough money, to buy our text books for the year. Finally, around two years later, the state provided the text books statewide. No longer did you have to go and purchase them. All the schools had the same text books.

There was organization and curriculum. Schools taught each subject on planned schedules. That way, if you lived in the northern part of the state, in March. Then moved to another part of the state, you would be within a week of the same subject and same book as where you left off. Now, If you make the same move, the new school may be using a completely different book, and far ahead, or behind, in the subject.

To further disorganize, schools are now controlled by county. There are 64 counties in our state. They each do their own thing. Different text books. Lesson plans, ideologies. In years past, there was a meeting called AEA, for two weeks each year schools closed and teachers attended in-service training. This was done statewide, and at the same time each year. Today? Each county schedules its own holiday breaks.

Now, if you move from to another county, you may have just finished what is now called “Spring Break”, and the new county is just starting Spring Break. You miss 4 weeks of school. No wonder they had to institute the crazy no-child-left-behind plan.

The list of reasons for failure is immense. Corruption, falsifying grades to maintain NCLB and testing.

Twenty years ago, our son was in the 8th grade. He was an A-B honor roll student, according to his report cards. Glowing compliments during teacher/parent meetings We almost failed him as parents because we trusted what we were told. Then one night sitting in a Ryan’s Steak Restaurant, the conversation turned to trivia while waiting on our food. We would learn he had no knowledge of the founding of our country, who the first president was, or any of the conflicts we have fought for freedom.

The Gulf of Mexico, is a lake “in Mexico”

We tried a few questions after staring at one another, keeping the conversation like a game to avoid blaming him for not knowing, as it was apparent he just didn’t know these things. When asked where the Gulf of Mexico was, he said it was a lake somewhere in Mexico. He had no idea what coast California was on, the location of either ocean that bordered the coasts of the US. He was never taught about the Declaration of Independence, nor the Constitution. Something in the conversation prompted him to name a bridge in Alabama, famous for the civil rights march (Edmund Pettis Bridge Selma, Alabama). He knew the date of the march, and some names that I don’t remember. I lived that time period!

He knew nothing of the indigenous tribes of Alabama, nor any Alabama Civics. We would even discover he had difficulty telling time on analog clocks. He could however, run circles around you regarding civil rights moments in Alabama. How do you in good conscience, fill out records indicating an A/B average, without knowing if a student knows where the Gulf of Mexico is, or what states border his home state.

We pulled him out of public schools at the end of that year, enrolled him in a home school charter organization, acquired the books and materials, and Michelle taught him at home.

His field trips for education were not to the local Mall, but to reenactments of the first settlers of Alabama and Native Americans. He loved local Museums, The Indian Mound Park in Alabama and the Hall or Presidents at Disney World. Those, were his field trips.

From 9th through the 12th grade he maintained a 3.5 to 4.0 average, when graded under independent testing. He soaked up history, science and math. Instead of music videos and Rap, we would find him watching the Discovery/History channels to learn more of what we were exposing him to. He loved running circles around his siblings, when discussing history and world events.

Michelle did a fantastic job of teaching him, preparing lessons and taking care of all the paperwork involved for 4 years. She managed that while dealing with disability due to a back injury.

It’s hard to find older teachers that care more about the students, than the amount of pay. Some of them are closer to the students age. Most of the dedicated, more mature teachers have been run off by the parents, students and administrations.

Is the education system better, or worse in your area of the world.
Comments always welcomed.

Chris’ Famous Hot Dogs.

Michelle and I, finally ventured forth into the world last Friday. It has been months since we visited Chris’ Hot Dogs. It was still as great as it has ever been. I ate too much naturally. 4 hot dogs all-the-way (mustard, sour kraut and special sauce) and an order of fries that are to die for, along with an ice-cold bottled Coca-Cola. The special sauce is a family secret known by only 3 people.

Chris’ was founded on May 1st, 1917 by a Greek immigrant “Christopher Anastasios Katchis”. It was said he learned English by reading the newspaper with help from friends. Located on Dexter Ave. halfway between the Court Square Fountain (center of town) and the state capitol.

  • Dexter Ave would see the first electric streetcar in America, “The lightning route”.
  • It would witness the calling of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr to the ministry.
  • The order to start the American Civil War was sent by telegram, from Dexter Ave.
  • Rosa Parks, would refuse to give up her bus seat there. Sparking the Civil Rights Era
  • The march from Selma to Montgomery by Rev Martin Luther King Jr., passed up Dexter in front of Chris’

Many notable and famous people have frequented Chris’ over the years.
Franklin D. Roosevelt (who would frequently ask for a box of the world-famous hot dogs as his train stopped in Montgomery’s Union Station), Harry Truman, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Presidents Bush 41 & 43, Jimmy Stewart, Elvis Presley, Hank Williams, Clark Gable, Tallulah Bankhead, countless sports stars and every Alabama Governor since 1917.

May 1st marked the 103 year anniversary of Chris Hot dogs. If you grew up in Montgomery, Alabama you knew of Chris’, and would return there for a hot dog or burger on your return visits.

When I was a child of about 10, my mother, father, and little brother would walk 9 blocks downtown to enjoy a hot dog or burger. It was an infrequent trip, as we had no vehicle and were pretty poor. We would sit in the booths and flip the pages on the little machines that each booth had to play the Jukebox. Dad would always give each of us a coin for the box, and we would pick out a couple of songs. I have been going there from time to time, for the last 58 years.

It was great seeing “E” again, that is what we know her as. Possibly the sweetest person you will ever meet that serves customers of Chris’. Every time she greets you, she has this big sweet welcoming smile and that southern” Hello darling, usual?” She remembers what you had the last time you were there. Even if it’s been months. Great spirit each time you see her. She has been working there, 42 years. Our favorite Chris’ person.
Images, are clickable.

This is how it looked when Michelle and I went.

It was very hot. AC was on the blink.
Only every other booth open.

So that is our favorite place to go eat hot dogs at. Michelle said she came there when she was 12 with her parents.
Comments always welcome.

Don’t fear the Block Editor.

Well, here we are. More and more speaking of the block editor just around the corner. They’re right, it will soon overtake us, and we just have to adapt. I’m not happy about it, but WordPress is ever expanding, and to do that it has to make money. Hobby and professional bloggers, made WordPress what it is today. That’s not what’s important in today’s business world. When you step up and get larger, you have to continue to step up. A vicious circle that oft-times consumes the memory of where you came from.

Most people use mobile devices

When asked why a block editor? The mantra of “Most people use mobile devices”. Tablets, smartphones, etc. While this may be (according to stats) true, it’s more like a politician deflecting the issue. Yes, the majority (statistically) use mobile devices. You can bet Grandma’s girdle, they don’t use smartphones to design sites. They could, but in this world of high production it’s too slow. WordPress has grown from its humble roots as a blogging platform, to a commercial business for products and services. Websites have to look good on tiny devices. Thus, the “block” editor. Stick your website components in a block, no worries about formatting bugs causing wonky pages. So the move all along, was for catering to commercialization of the platform. No real need for interaction on a human level. Just read, place your order, and done. Blogging is about sharing Websites are for displaying.

It won’t last forever.

You can take comfort in knowing it probably won’t last forever. It may last through our lifetime, but we can take comfort as old wise ones, that we have seen this type of change come and go. Over the last few years since Gutenberg was adopted, it’s been stumbling, changing, aggravating bloggers AND those who build websites for companies. Believe me, when a commercial site has a few customers questions wind up in the spam box, that could cost some venues thousands in sales. Right now, it’s a cheap alternative to paying for a hosting service, website developer/maintainer. Those who maintain these business sites, are going to start to charge more due to the constantly changing/problems of the interface.

Hang in there

Don’t give up. That is my Mantra back at them. I’m 68 this year, I made this post, simply by hitting the enter button for my next paragraph, just as I always have. The headers above some paragraphs took maybe an extra 3 clicks. Most of us don’t use a header, it’s just fluff.

We can do this, many bloggers are making videos and written tutorials on how to use the block editor on the simplest level. We can all band together, help on another and then laugh if a better platform for bloggers comes along.

Keep blogging friends!

Comments, always welcomed.