Repost: Extremely Dirty Computer. Things we do for friends.

I brought this old post back from May 2013. While I was blowing out my computers this morning and though they are only slightly dusty, something triggered this memory. It was one of those neighbors, who after they learn you work on computers as a hobby ask if you mind taking a look at it. Out of kindness you do a favor.

One of the worst  computers I ever worked on. While we all know that computers will gather dust and none are them are perfect after owned awhile. You expect to maybe have to blow some dust out when you work on one. This is an actual computer that I worked on once in Sept 2009 for someone in the community. I should have refused, but donning gloves, a mask, and doing it outside on top of the garbage can, I managed to clean is some, not totally, but enough that it would again run without totally overheating.

Photo by Ron

There were no bugs in it, but that is probably complimentary of the bugs having better taste, than take up residence in there.

First inspection, with this much dust and dirt you can imagine what the CPU fan/heat-sink looked like under that green air hood. They reported it had a “slight” over heating problem, It’s a wonder the CD player worked. The environment was a house with lots of small dogs, on a very dusty dirt road and vinyl floors.

Photos by Ron

Would you type on this? I suggested they trash it. I used my own keyboard for testing the computer.

Photos by Ron

After taking the unit outside where I had a compressed air supply, I removed the green air tunnel. It is rumored that when I hit it with the high pressure air, that I disappeared for a few moments till I ran from the cloud. Fire Rangers in their fire towers seeing the cloud, probably thought our home had been hit with a small tactical nuke.  I would think that Air Traffic was probably diverted around our area for a short while.

I managed to get most of it out using the air and some large type Q-tips. I didn’t scrub it hard so it was still a tad dusty in places, but I didn’t want to crumble something into dust if that was what still held it together.

All photos by Ron

Comments welcome!

21 thoughts on “Repost: Extremely Dirty Computer. Things we do for friends.

  1. I could really use someone like you in our neighborhood! I don’t think my computer is that dirty but just having someone knowledgeable around to answer techie questions would be wonderful! Just about the only thing I miss about working is having an IT department at my disposal. You are nice to help out a friend like that. I hope he took better care of his CPU after that.

    1. You echoes my sentiments. I miss having a (free) IT guy a phone call (and one floor) away. That was a lot of dirt. While he may not have known the inside was that gross, that keyboard was awful!

      1. Yes that keyboard was horrible. I shudder to think what the inside of the house might look like, if the exposed keyboard was that dirty. Thanks for dropping in and commenting.

    2. I really enjoy helping others, and hate to see anyone not able to enjoy their computer. I do the work for free and only have them pay for the part/s if needed. Thanks for the comment.

  2. Oh, that is quite a lot of dust in there! I had to open my CPU last year to extract a disc. Thankfully there was no dust. I like the micro fibre cloths to clean the outside of the CPU, the keyboard and screen.

    1. I have dust around here from the gravel roads of the park. I run an air cleaner, and often I dust and brush my keyboard with a soft paintbrush and micro cloths. Thanks for the comment.

    1. Thanks Ellie, that was the worst one ever brought to me. I had made sure to open it outside in the shop and check it before allowing it in the house. Thanks for coming by and commenting.

  3. Ron
    Hats off to you for spending the time on that ton of dust. Maybe people who have to live in dusty environments must not have such giant computer systems- perhaps a lap top would be handy.
    What sort of computer was that with such big units ?

    1. It was a desktop computer. She had it under an old desk, in an old home. The house was not well sealed being old, and the dirt road she lived on contribute to it. Plus there were about 6 small dogs running everywhere stirring up the dust that was not swept up on a regular basis. Thanks for the comment Susie!

  4. Ron, you now have me worried about dust in my own PC! After five years, I have never even opened it…But I do still have the sticky plastic covering in place. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. It all depends on the environment Pete. All of them collect a little dust. I’m in a high dust environment with this gravel road outside and an older home. I vacuum at least every other day, and run a large air filter on low in this small 156 sq ft room/man-cave. The road that runs through the part is a gray gravel type. After years of vehicles diving it, it has a powder base the consistency of talcum powder. On really dry weeks it can get everywhere when the cars stir it up. I’m like you about the sticky plastic. 🙂

  5. Good Lord! I cannot believe the condition of that computer! I hate to dust, but golly! They must have abhorred it, lol!! Kudos to you for helping them out, you are a kind soul indeed!

    1. Thanks for the nice words. I guess having to work hard all my life for what I have, I hate seeing those that actually just can’t afford a repair shop. Thanks for your comment.

  6. The world needs neighbours like you!
    That keyboard though. Just looking at it triggered my dust allergy!

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