Ron’s Country Musings is back online.

My apologies to anyone that was unable to reach the blog yesterday.

It’s great to be back online. Seems from what I was told that Google had some problems and the DNS was messed up. I had one site that was down the day before (unable to locate).

As soon as that site came back up, the blog was hit with the same malady. I could not get to the server to find out what was wrong, and my host support was unreachable as well.

It came back online sometime during the night, and wouldn’t you know, a file decided to corrupt. I took care of that as soon as I awakened. Now things are purring along. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday.

Comments always welcome.

8 thoughts on “Ron’s Country Musings is back online.

  1. Always good to see you back on the blog, Ron. Happy to hear you got those issues sorted.

    Best wishes, Pete.

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