Saturday Ride Unplugged

It’s  Saturday and although we have overcast skies the temperature couldn’t be more perfect. The temp was 71F and overcast, it was neither warm nor cool, just right for a country ride. I decided that the Wife’s Harley Sportster needed riding. I uncovered it and down the road I went. Staying to the paved country roads I passed people working in yards and waving from time to time.

The air was “just right” where smells carry on it due to the right amount of humidity and temperature. I could smell someone cooking a lunch of some type, then further down the road the smell of shower soap or shampoo filled the air over the roadway for just an instant. I stopped and sat upon a bridge that took the small paved county road over the busy interstate, below the hustle of vehicles travelling on their way at 75mph. I looked at the serene view to either side of the bridge, It was almost like having stopped in between two layers of a calm dimension.

All good things have a limit and it was time to head back until another nice day for exploring back roads. It really helps to unplug and go where you can’t hear the phone for a little while. The open road, fresh air and beautiful scenery is better than any meditation there is. I recommend to all to take some time and unplug from the digital world. It’s the one time where unplugging will actually recharge “you”.

Comments welcome,

One thought on “Saturday Ride Unplugged

  1. That sounds wonderful! The words are so descriptive. It makes me long for those days of old, when I used to ride.

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