Spamcation? They’ve just disappeared.

I recently read on another Blog about Spam being a problem. I wish I could remember the Blog and I apologize for the lapse in memory.

I hate Spam, I was getting several Spam comments a day sometimes, of course they never made it past the spam box since I set it to spam any comment with over 2 links in it. There was a huge spike last Summer and I figured I had gotten on someones spam list.

I recently played around with the Jetpack plugin and set it also. I’m not sure if Jetpack bolstered something or I’m just Spam free for a while. I have had no spam in over 2 weeks. Either my url has dropped from a list, or the Spam Filter Gods love me. Either way I’m happy not having to check through the spam every time I login to make sure a valid comment isn’t dumped. Below are the stats for Askimet since 2013.

Askimet Stats

How are you dealing with your Spam, do you have a problem with heavy Spam in your Blog?

Comments always welcome,

4 thoughts on “Spamcation? They’ve just disappeared.

    1. You and me both! There was an advertising company that just boasted in an internal memo that they spammed out 1 billion emails a day.
      Thanks for the comment I appreciate it!

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