Sunday in the South

The highway out front is quiet. After all, it is a Sunday morning here in the Trailerhood. The man 3 doors down just started his truck. One of the few custom looking vehicles around here that actually has a nice sound. A very low, mellow sound. Nothing like the others with the window rattling noise they seem to enjoy.

The Sun, was a golden yellow this morning, as it rose high enough to be seen through the trees. I took this shot from the office window. Reflection from the blinds, didn’t do it any favors. It finally feels like Fall might be here. However, in these parts you really can’t depend on that.

Windows are open for cool fresh air, the coffee is brewing, Reboot is on the desk in her favorite spot. All is right with the world it seems. Time for me to kick back in the chair, sip some warm beverage, and soak in a glorious morning given to us. I hope your morning is as beautiful as this.
Comments, always welcome.

Stay safe, my friends. Stay well.

16 thoughts on “Sunday in the South

    1. You are so right, Colin. I don’t listen to the national news, or much of any news anymore. To get unbiased news, is nearly impossible. You have to watch news from outside the country, otherwise it is slanted politically.

      It’s nice to unplug. When I get up in the morning, just before dawn. I sit here in a very dimly lit office. Reboot sits in my lap, and we watch out the window as it gets light. That is a wonderful quiet time.

      1. Your priorities are excellent Ron! I spent a complete afternoon on a ski slope (in Summer) once and did nothing but look around and think. It was an incredibly wonderful mental cleansing experience because once you have seen all the trees, grass slopes, trains in the distance etc., the thinking goes internal. Times of solitude are vastly under-rated! 🙂

  1. Unfortunately, it is nothing like that here. We are in our 11th day of constant rain, and it is almost as dark during the day as at night. It feels a lot more like winter than autumn.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. We don’t have rain for that long of period, Pete. I have seen it rain for maybe 8 days, and that is plenty for me. I am ready for some clear skies by that time. We are feeling like Fall at the moment, but they are promising Summer temps again this week.

  2. You paint such a lovely scene, Ron. It was a crisp 44 degrees overnight and will hover in the high 60s most of the day. Fall has definitely made her appearance here. A warm beverage is a delightful way to enjoy the changes outside.

    1. Thank you, Maggie. That is sweet of you to say. We love the high 60s around here. I’m hoping for some of those days soon, before the frigid moist weather settles in. Thanks for the comment.

  3. I looked at the thick fog this morning, knowing it would burn off before we went to church. We are still worshipping outdoors, which was a bit chilly with the temp hovering at 50. I was glad I took a throw.

    1. A nice fog, when it isn’t cold, seems to make everything feel quiet. Don’t get chilled at the outdoor services, we certainly don’t want you to get sick.
      Thanks for the comment.

  4. A splendid Sunday morning… you got the feeling across so beautifully, Ron! Hope you had a great day.

    My guy John & I are going for a Covid test at 4:00 p.m. today. I have a cough, but I’m sure I’ve had it since way before Covid came on the scene. Remnant from 42 years of smoking (ended in 2003 mind you)? Or… post-nasal drip? Dunno. So this is just to rule out the nasty.

  5. Congratulations on having stopped smoking! I hope the test turns out negative for you. I’ve had post-nasal drip for the last two weeks.

    Thank you for the compliment, Ellie. Stay safe.

  6. It sounds peaceful and then someone had to make a noise, albeit not loud. The neighbor across the street has a special tailpipe or something that makes a rumble type of noise as he pulls in/out of the driveway – grrr. I’m no detective, but I try to figure out where he goes so many times a day. He leaves for work at 6:30 a.m. and at 7:30 he comes home, out again at 9:30, back at 10:00 p.m. Did I every have that stamina – nope, even with coffee. 🙂 Fall is my favorite time of year, even though it is the precursor to the dreaded Winter months.

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