Missing in action, but I’m back, and on track with new keyboard.

So much going on around the house that I have neglected blogging the last 3 days or so. I read those I follow and respond where possible, but there has been little time to sit down and blog anything interesting.

Michelle became ill with bronchitis and they are running tests, so that has kept me preoccupied. We also have a litter of 13 puppies, if I have not mentioned that before. They are growing like weeds.

I had to purchase a new keyboard, many of you know how I love gadgets. Nothing beats relaxing and keeping the lights down where possible. I like to look out the window as it is getting daylight, and at evening time, without everyone seeing me plainly. I had another keyboard that I purchased 7 months ago.

It was illuminated with a soft blue glow under the keys. The light was just right for some low level situations, but difficult to see most of the time. Plus on my Linux computer the keyboard light button did not work. I had to make a small program to light the keyboard on boot-up.

I found this AULA (A-ul-la) keyboard/mouse combo on Amazon. For $29 it has 3 colors, with 2 levels of intensity. Even the low setting is easy to see here at the desk with the room lights on, or the shades open and daylight/sun. It also came with a nice gaming mouse and free shipping! It types really well and I am a stickler for good keyboard typing.

The plus side to this keyboard, is the illumination is controlled by the keys on the keypad, not through the computer. So as long as it is plugged into a USB, you have control of the lights.

Here is a video I did in a hurry the other day. Nothing beats seeing it in real life action. This is daytime, in front of the window with the curtain open. So you can see the actual lighting. Hope you enjoy. Of course Reboot had to check it out also while I was trying to video.

Things are settling down and the grass needs mowing after all the rain. Time for me to start enjoying the Blog more. Have a great Friday!

Comments welcome,

Disclaimer: I receive no type of benefit for mentioning any product or supplier/merchant in this post.