Sunday in the South

The highway out front is quiet. After all, it is a Sunday morning here in the Trailerhood. The man 3 doors down just started his truck. One of the few custom looking vehicles around here that actually has a nice sound. A very low, mellow sound. Nothing like the others with the window rattling noise they seem to enjoy.

The Sun, was a golden yellow this morning, as it rose high enough to be seen through the trees. I took this shot from the office window. Reflection from the blinds, didn’t do it any favors. It finally feels like Fall might be here. However, in these parts you really can’t depend on that.

Windows are open for cool fresh air, the coffee is brewing, Reboot is on the desk in her favorite spot. All is right with the world it seems. Time for me to kick back in the chair, sip some warm beverage, and soak in a glorious morning given to us. I hope your morning is as beautiful as this.
Comments, always welcome.

Stay safe, my friends. Stay well.