New Blogging Year begins

Detoxed from the electronic fog

I have been gone awhile, and have missed all of you. There was no Internet connection for the last six days. While the Internet was down, It felt calmer. Like when the power goes out, it is so peaceful without the humming of electric motors and the myriad of other devices. I’m elated that the connection is back, but it seems to have recharged me in some way. Detoxed from the electronic fog maybe?

The Doctor has told me to slow down or else. So blogging, and watching over my forum, will be my two basic activities. No more really strenuous or stressful activities. Light exercise, and walking to keep away atrophy is okay. I have to realize, that ripping up floors and replacing them is a thing of the past. Simple low impact projects, will be my style now.

My phone is answered by me now, when I want to. I am cutting out Facebook, It is a toxic wasteland that I never became used to anyway. No more “Please send the kid with only a burlap bag body, money for arms and legs”, If family or friends want to find me, they can do searches for my Blog, email or text. My relaxation will be blogging on trailer park life as it occurs, along with various tutorials or projects. Maybe some photography and blogging of every day life.

I hope all of you had a nice Christmas, and a great start to the new year. I’m looking forward to visiting all of you.


Comments always welcome,

It’s coming, Gutenberg Editor. Will you like it?

For those that have forgotten, the new Gutenberg Editor will be in the next major release of WordPress. I did a short post, and a boring video about it in February of this year. Since that time, many improvements have been made in the editor. 6 months ago, inserting an image and wrapping text around it, was challenging. Now it is easier and more reliable than the standard editor. At least to me.

For dressing up your posts

I am actually creating this post using the new editor. I like the workflow and location of items you may need while writing. Tags appear in a drop down list as you start to type. For dressing up your posts, colors, sizes and other options are readily available.

Start thinking in “blocks”. Everything is arranged by blocks. You can move them, change what they contain etc. You can even save  a block for reuse later. 

We have two types of Quote styles.


We have two types of Quote styles.


The gallery feature is falling down simple to use. I have been needing this. The plugin that I used, was forever pestering me to upgrade constantly.

It will take some getting used to, but as a southern gentleman once told me, “It ain’t nothing but a hill, for a mountain climber.”

Comments always welcome,

Spammers and Hackers, and Bots oh my! It’s like the land of Oz.

I picture some millennial in a basement 

It took long enough, for a bit I was starting to worry. Since I moved from my other hosting account to here, the spammers ceased for a while. I imagined bits and bytes of spammer data, reaching the old address and coming up empty. Of course its human master has no idea I’m gone, unless the mindless machine reaches a predetermined failure point, and alerts him that he can use the CPU cycles better harassing someone else. I picture some millennial in a basement of his parents home, computers humming, raking in some spending money for the weekend, by making others miserable spamming their sites or inboxes.


Strangely, I’ve never studied the actual business model of spam. It must pay something, or there are just some twisted individuals behind the keyboards. They get paid by click. They send something stupid, many times just gibberish, then someone somewhere clicks on a link in it, and they get paid for that click. Anyway, I’m no longer lonely, I have a couple every 3-4 days drop in past the Askimet filter. Such is life.

Frustrated Spammer

I’ve watched for months, as some automated bot tries tons of different names in an attempt to login as a current member on my forum site. Every couple hours, it submits a login 4 times, then has to wait as it was auto locked out for 15 minutes. Then it returns later for another round. It always appeared to come from random countries, making it impossible to block by IP. The crazy thing? It’s a really stupid bot. Of course, it was set up by some human of equal intelligence. It tries to login with Jnosedkl or tnir*com#f!. It appears to be trying random passwords (probably from a list), in the name box. Now that, is some backwards logic.  Mindlessly, for the last 5 months, every few hours. Anyway, I’m getting too deep into all that. Very boring to most people. 

How much spam are you suffering from, these days.

Comments always welcome,

Bloggers block. I’ve had it bad!

Bloggers blockI have been suffering from it. Actually, I think I am causing the block myself. I will see, hear, or do something that I think might be interesting. Then the doubt creeps in, whether I should post it. Is it interesting enough? Too long? Too short?

Basically, I’m trying too hard. Blogging is what you want to share. It’s no different from meeting people, they will like you, or they won’t.

I’ve met nice people blogging, and I managed to get followers, even from some that don’t follow new bloggers much. I treasure each one of you.

Now, I have a huge headache from new medicines (I thought they were supposed to make you better), and a grumbling in my stomach calling for some late breakfast.

Comments always welcome,