Blogging Evolution

Just an observation of two Internet staples that have evolved in the last few years. Not that it is a bad thing, as both items are more versatile in the new evolving formats.

Once easily recognized as communities of like thought and discussion, are evolving into a Website/Blog format with emphasis on commercial interests. Many forums no longer resemble the old format. As a matter of fact many are using Blog platforms now such as WordPress. I can see where the Blog format lends itself better to technical based subjects instead of a forum format.

Blogs seem to be evolving slowly into resembling websites. The blog format, for me at least, gives easy navigation to information. Where landing on a web page and then having to navigate through selections of pages loses interest fast.

There is nothing wrong with change, this is just something I have watched in the last few years. The only negative aspect I have witnessed, is when the platforms lean too heavily towards becoming commercial platforms, then the ‘money bug’ bites the developers, and the once free plugins and add-on’s for the platforms, become revenue streams. This doesn’t seem to be happening as much in the blogging platform.

Once free themes and plugins for my favorite Forum software, have all but dried up. Nearly anything you want to add now, cost from $2 to $30. Very few quality free Themes anymore.

I know developers put work and time into making plugins. Please don’t get me wrong, a lot of work and time put into a sophisticated, very useful item, should be rewarded. It is refreshing to see all the free plugins available to WordPress if you need use one for something. There are high quality themes and plugins that you can buy also if you wish.

Here’s hoping the spirit and enjoyment of Blogging, last for many years to come, for all of us. I could be wrong, but there is perhaps a resurgence of blogging coming, or at least the use of the platform.

Comments welcome,

Question: Older blog posts, Re-use?

I was wondering what the general consensus is on old blog posts. Do you ever recycle an old interesting post? I know I have read where it is proper blogging etiquette, to ‘link’ to an older post is it helps support/explain the current post.

As many of you know, I am looking to learn more about blogging. I may have been here for a while, but I really had no help or tutoring until I met the wonderful WordPress community recently.  Any input you have regarding how you handle older posts is appreciated.

Comments welcome,

What a great Sunday.

Great weather, a fantastic day spent with my wife walking and talking in the park. I washed the car this morning. That would ordinarily not be a momentous occasion, except that the last time I was washing it, I had a massive heart attack. So it was great to be able to say I did it this time without causing a big commotion.

It was last August when that event occurred as related in “Back in the Saddle Again”.  I guess there was just something about having some trepidation of attempting that same activity that led to the event.

Actually I blamed the heart attack on the mother-in-law. She drives me nuts sometimes. We take care of her since her husband passed away. Michelle told me that when they were accessing me in the hospital right after arriving, the doctor asked if I was under extra stress. Michelle says that even medicated I didn’t miss a beat and replied to him that “Yes, and she is on the floor above me now.” He looked at me as if the medication was working ‘too well’.

Michelle had to explain to him, that the mother-in-law had been admitted to the hospital 3 days before, and was in a room on the floor above.

Anyhow, this day was a great one. If tomorrow is even close to this, it will be heaven on earth.

Comments always welcome,

Apparently, Budget cuts are really tough!

I was going through some pictures tonight, and came across this one. I thought it might bring a smile to anyone that had a rough Friday. Of course nothing compares to having actually been there in person to see it.

Michelle and I had traveled to north Alabama to visit a friend of her’s. As we got closer to the lady’s home, we saw this on the side of a main two lane country road. It was near a small town of Townley that we had not yet entered.

It’s very apparent that someone in that area, has a huge sense of humor. The items are actually sitting on wooden pallets, as if it was a floor area. I didn’t partake of the facilities, mainly because they had no snack machines. 🙂

Photo taken by me


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