Yard Sale and entertainment. Trailerhood Style.

Nothing like an early morning yard sale on a Saturday. Especially, when you can have some entertainment at the same time. This past Saturday, we set up a small yard sale about 1000 feet down the road, in a small clearing near the storage buildings. Around 6:30 am I heard what sounded like two gun shots. I thought perhaps it was a hunter in the woods across the road.

About 30 seconds later, we see a stocky white male running around the front of the house in this picture about 200 feet from us, and then run around behind the house, as if he were hiding. Moments later he reappears from behind the house, looking like a squirrel trying to dodge an oncoming vehicle. Sprints across the yard and jumps the fence, then runs towards our trailerhood. The area is soon swarmed by sheriff’s deputies. We learn that the two shots were fired by a homeowner of the house that the young man was trying to break into.

To make his day even worse

The county finally located and apprehended him in the trailer-park, he probably lives or stays with someone in the park. He was more than likely looking to score some easy loot, to sell for crack. To make his day even worse, after being shot at, he starts having chest pains and goes into a full-blown panic attack. An ambulance arrives and checks him out, then he is carted off to jail. He may have had a worse day, had he attempted to rob us of the change we had for the yard sale instead of burglarizing a house. I had a weird feeling that morning, so carried my licensed concealed firearm, as did Michelle.

It’s a sad statement of our society, when you have to arm yourself just to have a yard sale. Yes, Spring is here, the weirdos are starting to thaw out.

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