How hard can it be? It’s just a theme change (said no one ever).

I thought I would change up the appearance of my blog some. I had been using the same theme, since 2011. Components on it were not working as smoothly as they once had. The comment button, extended out side of the comment area as if it were trying to escape, I would tweak it, then it would break again on the next upgrade.

I literally spent hours looking and testing themes. Most had hideous super large pictures on the main page, or tons of the popular sliders. The blog was either too wide, or too narrow. Then most of the time, the text was hard to read due to poorly matched colors. Sadly most of them seemed to be for commercial interests. There were many for blogging, but none of them quite fit what I was looking for. My 2011 theme just seemed to have the right layout and handy items. After testing, and searching, I settled on a theme that sure looks a lot like the one I am replacing.

It was much too narrow, but a bit of adjustment in the css widened it to where I wanted it. I had to opt for a subscribe button in the bottom of the screen, instead of the original email subscribe section I had at the top. The search has ended finally, and the tweaking is pretty much done. This is  “Catch Box” a free theme I found in the theme gallery.

It was just so hard to find the right look for the comments, a comment link at the top and bottom of the post, and more control over text and color when and if wanted. I’m satisfied, and I hope I am with this theme for the next 6 years! Have any of you changed your theme? what items do you look for in one.

Now, if I can just find out why my dang notification icon no longer works, I’ll be happy, as a bug in a rug.

Comments welcome,