A great and friendly forum community. The Country Depot Forum

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We have many areas of all interests. There are no grammar police or cdwolfanyone to make fun of misspelled words or any question you may have. Computer help if you need it. Members that are friendly and open to all. A great Staff that has given of their time for years to provide an excellent community. This year will mark 11 wonderful years as a community.

We have an Arcade for members to relax and play games if that is something you enjoy. PSP artists sharing wonderful artistic graphics. Photography and everyday pictures taken by members. Webcams where you will see on very rare occasions Yours Truly, or the Forum Mascot “Reboot”. We have a Motorcycle Rider from the UK that shares his rides via recorded video with us.

If you’re looking for a place that you can relax, have true friends and is safe enough for your children to look over your shoulder as you read, The Country Depot Forum is it.

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The Country Depot Forum “Where Great Friends Meet”

Comments/Questions welcome,

New Linux User, I’m Free at last.

It’s a good feeling. After being badgered over the last few months and having to “dodge” the stupid attempts of Microsoft to get Win10 on my computer. mint I decided 2 months ago to give Linux another kick in the tires. I haven’t regretted it once.

Several years ago I dabbled in it but was overwhelmed thinking I needed to learn all types of command code. Installation still was a bit of a hassle also. Then I tried Mint and my life has changed…

Linux Mint installed and found my wireless Canon Printer, loaded and played my video and sound files without complaining about needing a codec or driver. The install? Nearly simpler than Windows. The hardest thing (just joking) was sliding a bar to choose how much space to allocate to Linux! I had to go looking for a driver for my Scanner on the Canon All-in-one. It was accomplished by copy/pasting a couple commands from a web page into the terminal window and pressing enter. How easy is that!

It has been 60 days now with no nagging from Windows or MS trying to slip 2+Gb onto my machine even though I don’t even want Win10. It is a nice feeling to know that I installed something FREE that is as good as windows and just as simple unless I choose to delve deeper on my own. I now have my main computer and my laptop happily humming away on Linux “Mint/Rosa”

Try LInux, I think you’d be amazed at the feeling.

Comments welcome.

They don’t listen, yet use computers…

SickComputerSometimes you just have to scratch your head and wonder at how no one seems to “get it”. I have a dear friend that seems to not get the fact that you really need to follow advice from someone that you trust to work on your computer.

I helped a friend fix up an old computer a year ago that a family member of his had given him. He brought it by after 6 months full of viruses and had to be rebuilt.  It came back recently, needing to be looked at because it would hardly do anything. I had told him to be sure and update the anti-virus often. Guess what, not only did he admit it had not been updated prior to being trashed by something it had caught online. But that it had stopped working a month ago.

I worked on it free of charge, and sent him back this list of things I had done to it. It was the best I could do since I didn’t want to redo everything again from scratch. Here is the note I sent back to him when he picked it up.

Checked your Computer out. Removed what items I could to rid the pop-ups from the XP Home Security 2011 Malware trojan.

Changes: For some reason now when it boots up, you will have to hit “Esc” to continue the boot process. No harm, it just says Drive A has gone Bad. Could be a loose cable or the drive has just died. (Floppy Drive).
Sounds at times like Hard Drive trying to go out. It will die suddenly and without warning, suggest you replace it.

Superantispyware Scan ran from Safe Mode
Memory Items Detected 0
Files Detected 538

Registry Items Detected 64

Total Threats Detected 602

Scan Time 02:29:44
Malwarebytes scan
Objects scanned: 132868
Objects infected:33
Time elapsed: 1 hours, 7 minutes, 35 seconds.
Others found
Adware.Vundo.Variant 8
Browser Hijacker.Tubby 10
Adware.MyWebSearch/Fun/FunWebProducts 23
Adware.Vundo Variant/Rel 24
Adware.Tracking Cookie 536
One rootkit Alureon-G@mbr (rootkit) removed on Avast scan startup.

Avst boottime scan found:
Win:32 DNSChanger-VJ (trojan)
Alureon-G@mbr (rootkit)
Win:32:Downloader-Hiw (trojan)

Will it be back again, probably. I won’t be as quick or eager to fix it the next time. He’s single and turns out he frequents dating, gambling, and other sites of interest.

Do you have friends like this?