Freaky Friday, reminds me of the movie “The Happening”.

I hope some of you have seen the movie “The Happening”. It would help you understand what it has felt like around here today. I have been relaxing and just playing on the computer most of the day.

I have a police scanner here on the desk, it helps me know if someone in the park has lost their marbles, then I know to lock my door.

The world around us has been crazy today.

  • This morning they had at least 2 emotionally disturbed (psychotic) people within 6 miles of us.
  • Then there was some 15 year old on his porch with a shotgun, threatening to commit suicide.
  • If that wasn’t enough, some man calls about 5 miles away, and reports that people renting a room from him are fighting, and he needs deputies to come out and control them, he can’t get his house cleaned up, while they are fighting. Now that’s weird!
  • Around lunch, someone is stabbed in the face and left chest. 6 miles away (as the crow flies). Domestic fight.
  • After lunch, someone’s ex-husband has shown up at the females house and fired a gun outside. He then comes in the house, woman and new boyfriend run out into the backyard. Ex eventually, at the sound of approaching sirens, takes off on foot, deputies catch him in the woods a short time later.
  • Then the worst one of the day, about 10 minutes ago, a high speed pursuit from town 7 miles to our south, comes all the way out here, passes the house, then goes back onto the county roads behind us. About 2 miles down the county road, they over-turn, ejecting the occupants (4). One of which, is a toddler. What kind of special idiot is a person that risks the life of a child running from the police. I just heard the life-flight helicopter overhead, that the medics had requested. I also heard the Chaplin responding to that scene.

Like I said, it reminded me of the movie. The plants were tired of humanity and decided it was time to thin it out. The plants were releasing some type of substance/pollen. You couldn’t see it or smell it, but people started acting crazy. It’s been all around us today. Nothing in the park though. Or is it waiting for tomorrow. (Cue scary music)

Comments always welcome, might want to toss a prayer in, for the little tyke in the vehicle wreck.