Trailer Park Follies: The Grass isn’t always greener.

In the “You just can’t make this stuff up” department, I have to talk about the craziness that people do. I would not have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes.

A young man, on the back street of the park had a run in with the owner over his yard not being neat. He hasn’t moved into the very small (30 foot) trailer yet. The guy is having to redo the inside of it where the last tenants tore it up, vandalized it. He is actually buying it from the owner of the park, that is why this whole thing is so bizarre.

He had thrown the old wall and ceiling material out beside the trailer in a pile to be hauled off. There was also some new lumber there, not a lot, but several pieces. The owner making his weekly rounds decided to haul it off, ALL of it, including the new wood. Plus charge the guy for hauling it off.  It is debatable whether the owner could tell it was new or not. You have to remember this is the same man that stopped and complimented me on how nice my trailer looked, yet it was at that moment covered with a good growth of green algae, from the winter. He was standing 10 feet away when he saw the trailer, or didn’t see it as the case may be.

The next week they spent arguing over the new guy’s grass needing to be mowed. It was rumored that the guy told some others,  he was going to get something from an agricultural friend that would stunt the growth of his lawn, so he doesn’t have to listen to the old man fuss. I took what I heard with a grain of salt, and told the purveyor of the tale that no one would be that stupid.

On my walk today, which I haven’t taken in about a week, I couldn’t help but notice this guys yard is a very light brown, compared to his neighbors lush green grass on either side. The idiot actually sprayed it with some type of chemical to semi-kill it. Personally I think the owner should have him arrested for defacing the lot/property he rents, and kicked out of the park. I didn’t see the guy do it, only heard through the rumor mill about his idea, so my information is hearsay. I have a feeling though that if the park owner notices it, there will be some fireworks and an eviction notice in the mail.

Sorry about the glare, but it was 7am this morning and the sun was in front of me, I was trying to surreptitiously take the picture. No need in having to confront some still half intoxicated redneck, that might be looking out from his window next door, trying to cure his hangover with a fresh beer.

Grass on left is brown (mostly dead) You can see the line where they stopped spraying, from the plants to the road. Sorry about the glare.

This guy is also going to be a subject of a later post. I have a rant about him and his “special needs”. Have you ever known someone that would go to such lengths to prove a point?

Comments welcome,