The Cure, is worse than the Cold. It’s true.

Whoever coined that phrase, made an understatement of biblical proportions. 2 months I have been getting back on track, from being overly medicated. It really sucks getting old. I turned 66 on the 16th. Two months ago, I told the doctor that the medicine just didn’t seem strong enough, I was still lethargic and not feeling like doing anything.

So they basically tripled it. Maybe I need to check and see if there is a contract out on me. My mouth swelled up, till my teeth were driving me nuts irritating my inside cheeks. My Vision was doubled, no coordination. I developed the shakes so bad, I could have moonlighted as a paint shaker at Wal-Mart. Checking back with the doctor they found me so giddy, that they sent me for an MRI that day, to rule out a stroke. I tried getting on the computer, I would forget from one page to the next, what I was trying to do.

I do remember sitting here looking at my arm one night, and nearly panicked at how old my arm and hand looked. Now that was as weird as I ever want to be again.

After a month now, things are clearing. It was just one more bump in the road of life.  I have been visiting and reading blogs, and commenting from time to time. I’ve missed all of you, but I’m glad I refrained from writing during that time. Judging by what Michelle related to me, there is no telling what I may have written. They gave me a steroid shot in the hip, Michelle said I looked at the nurse, and told her “If that takes much longer, I’m going to start twerking”.

I’m back, I just checked the rear-view mirror and all my ducks seem to be in a row now. Some are a little off center, but they are there and following.
