The Hurricane hit us. Heavy damage.

After I signed off last night. The main part hit around 2am while I was still up watching TV. Severe damage to the trailer. Office wall was blown in almost 3 inches in one spot. Fortunately it was raining little during the wind part. No stuff in the office lost.

Most shingles blown off, Too much damage for Michelle and I. Son came over, cut up what he could off the power lines, we still have power until the power company comes out to turn it off for safety. There is structural damage in the walls, and the trailer may have moved on the foundation blocks. The insurance was stopped as the home had reached un-insurable age. (1988).

Trees are down all over, one family had to crawl out at 2am as a tree fell through their living room. 

We have tarps up over the exposed walls. 

I will be sporadic online in and out, while we try to figure out what to do. 

There has been a Go Fund Me set up if you know anyone that might want to donate. Please share if you can, on your Facebook, Michelle is devastated to say the least, but we are alive.

Go Fund Me  for Ron and Michelle.

We’re alive, that’s what counts.