Making my way back, one smile at the time.

It’s been a month since I have been active, several have asked about me and I appreciate it. I’ve just been a tad off balance. Medications they changed dropped me into a depression of some sort. Blood work shows nothing out of whack, unless the lab that does it, is themselves out-of-whack. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

I enjoy everyone, and I love blogging with all of you. It was just a fog of some sort, terribly tired and each time I sat down wanting to blog, I just drew a blank. Nothing seemed humorous or interesting enough to write about. I have even been quiet on my forum which is unusual. I think the fog is slowly lifting, as I am seeing more humor lately. Johnny Reb (our resident hooligan) is being moved to the back of the park.

I’ve never had severe depression/Anxiety. I didn’t even know you could be both at the same time. The wonders of modern pharmaceuticals, they are supposed to make you feel better, not crazy in the head. I wouldn’t wish my last month on anyone, not even Johnny Reb. I worked for 8 years around people with severe depression, and never imagined  a time that I would be touched by it myself. Luckily, I can dig out of it, some are not so fortunate. But enough darkness from me, looking forward to getting back into doing everything, that I have enjoyed before!

I’m looking forward to catching up with everyone, and sharing tales from the park.
