Apparently, my brain has “Facebook Antibodies”.

Apparently, my brain has something that just repels Facebook. I have tried a personal page, and a Facebook Page. Neither one is interesting to me, nor does it generate any interaction, at least not the type I enjoy. I spent more time filtering out political, religious, and “Please forward this” to attempt to prevent sensory overload.

I’ve never been one to chase statistics, number of people, or post counts. Interaction between people in a community is what drives me. For thirteen years I have run a general discussion forum. We are approaching 740,000 posts. Although not many members have met one another personally, they still share and enjoy interaction. We have on average 30-40 members per day visit. Facebook? So different. I have about 3-4 people that actually interact with posts. They are from the forum. They are always appreciated.

Minion memes, or semi-crude graphics

In the last couple of months, I have dropped back to sharing memes and graphics, just to see what type is liked. Apparently you gather large numbers of likes with Minion memes, or semi-crude graphics. “Likes” simply mean they saw it, and clicked they liked it, perhaps copying it to share with someone else. Or they may actually click the “share” button.

It’s truly addictive, and I have resisted that addiction

Maybe the stats aren’t that bad, but the interaction is nearly non-existent. I have tried posts with questions, and other things to garner responses, but sadly Facebook seems to be more of a self-gratification type of atmosphere. Everyone posts pictures to see how many “likes” they get. It’s truly addictive, and I have resisted that addiction. Perhaps that is what keeps me from having more interaction. I’m not into impressing myself, but want to give others a chance to interact.

The stats look okay, but nearly null on comments or posts, when you browse the page. Plenty of likes and shares. I’m not sad or bummed. I have always been a klutz on Facebook. It’s just not my “thing”. Many people, use it to share with family and actually converse, which is what it was meant for. Anyhow, I think I will step back from it. Maybe leave it active as an avenue for long-lost friends or old police buddies to contact me if needed. I can alert forum members to any problems should the forum go offline due to technical problems. Which is what the page was originally meant for.

How to you view Facebook. Know anyone that appears addicted? Do you use it much? I would love to hear your thoughts. Horror stories?

Comments always welcome,

New Blogging Year begins

Detoxed from the electronic fog

I have been gone awhile, and have missed all of you. There was no Internet connection for the last six days. While the Internet was down, It felt calmer. Like when the power goes out, it is so peaceful without the humming of electric motors and the myriad of other devices. I’m elated that the connection is back, but it seems to have recharged me in some way. Detoxed from the electronic fog maybe?

The Doctor has told me to slow down or else. So blogging, and watching over my forum, will be my two basic activities. No more really strenuous or stressful activities. Light exercise, and walking to keep away atrophy is okay. I have to realize, that ripping up floors and replacing them is a thing of the past. Simple low impact projects, will be my style now.

My phone is answered by me now, when I want to. I am cutting out Facebook, It is a toxic wasteland that I never became used to anyway. No more “Please send the kid with only a burlap bag body, money for arms and legs”, If family or friends want to find me, they can do searches for my Blog, email or text. My relaxation will be blogging on trailer park life as it occurs, along with various tutorials or projects. Maybe some photography and blogging of every day life.

I hope all of you had a nice Christmas, and a great start to the new year. I’m looking forward to visiting all of you.


Comments always welcome,