Plenty of Gun debate, never solutions.


A conversation from my forum a few days ago. Family was over tonight, and the subject turned to the Las Vegas shooting, and the recent school shooting. I’ve noticed many blogs, putting out something on the subject, so I thought I would repost my opinion, the same that I have shared on the forum. It’s been a quiet Friday and Saturday so far here in the park.


On 2/26/2018 at 4:44 PM, lightfootfan said:

Herein lies the problem.  Our founding fathers gave us the right to bear arms.  That right should not be taken away.  However, they did not foresee the introduction of the weapons we have now.  Granted, we now have to draw the line somewhere, but who draws that line, and where should it be drawn.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but someone (Supreme Court) did draw a line, I think in the 30-40’s era. At that time, they said the government could “regulate” to a degree firearms, but they couldn’t take away the right to own one. It was due to the mobster days after the wars. Widespread use of the Tommy Gun which was fully automatic, needed to be curtailed.


The main federal law governing fully automatic weapons is called the National Firearms Act, or NFA. First enacted in 1934, this federal law regulates fully automatic weapons, suppressors, short-barreled rifles and shotguns, and destructive devices such as bombs or grenades. The NFA was subsequently modified in 1968 by the Gun Control Act and in 1986 by the Firearm Owners Protection Act.

Of course, the laws have been battered around, then the government realized they could make money off the ban, so charge a large price for you to get permission to own one.

The stupidest thing to come out of gun regulations just recently, was the Hunters Hearing Protection Act. We don’t want deaf hunters. Of course, it covers all firearms if I am correct. This Act allows persons to affix a “suppressor”, which is a politically correct term for a “silencer”. People are turning firearms into toys. It’s gotten stupid. You can buy a fully automatic pistol now, attach tandem 100 round drums to it. Who in the world needs a full auto pistol.

  • In my opinion, civilians don’t need automatic weapons, period. As Eliza said, just move our finger fast.
  • ANYTHING, that modifies a weapon to increase it’s lethality, should be illegal, (silencers, bump stocks, extended capacity).
  • Magazines should be limited to what the standard capacity of the magazine made for the weapon is. No “extended capacity”. If you want more ammunition, carry a spare magazine.

From left to right. What sane, responsible, people carry. What immature, egomaniac, crazies carry.

normal.jpeg  crazy.jpeg

JMHO longrifles (covers every type, plus shotguns) should be limited to 20 rounds. That is way more than enough, for defense, and hunting.

I’ve never had to shoot anyone, hope to God I never have to. There is evil out there. When I was an officer, While on duty, II drove up on 2 armed robberies in progress, I was nearly car jacked while off duty.

From 1997 till 2013 while unarmed, I spotted and prevented one robbery, Was nearly carjacked while with Michelle.

Maybe I’m just an evil magnet. I decided to start carrying again. I’m not a gun nut, we own 2, both are just normal semi-auto pistols for protection.  I feel a person should be allowed the right to choose to be armed or not, unless your a criminal.

Sadly in the US, we have allowed firearms to morph from a tool to protect oneself, to an egotistical extension of a persons personality. Exotic modifications are added, as if people are dressing up a car for looks and speed.

I have a rule. If you have an ego, you should never touch a firearm. It’s not a toy.

The Evil Genie is out of the bottle though, there is no way to ever put him back in. We will never rid the criminals of firearms, they don’t care about laws. Until we start punishing illegal possession, and shun those that treat firearms as toys, it won’t get any better.