Wobbly Wednesday

I am really sore this morning, I took a hard fall last night while trying to carry a bulky item out the back door, I should have asked for help. It was a table saw (minus the stand). Anyway, I landed partially on the unit with my left chest. Smashed my back on the door jamb on the left side as I tumbled half the way out the door to the concrete patio. At least I didn’t hit my face this time.  

My balance is “shot” due to my back injury, heart attack and stroke the last few years, and let’s not forget the plague (Covid-19). So, starting right now I have sworn off doing heavy complicated things, like walking and chewing gum. Or being stupid and carrying heavy bulky things through narrow openings.

As punishment for my transgression, Michelle got to say “I told you so”! While she wiped my boo boo’s with alcohol. Let’s face it, I’m not the young Viking I used to be.

I hope everyone has a nice day today. I’ll be here relaxing and waiting on the inevitable tsunami of soreness and pain that always arrives a day or two after an act of dumbness where gravity wins.

We’re halfway through this week, so stay safe, don’t carry any table saws by yourself.