Alabama ‘Lover Governor’ avoids Impeachment. “Best Politicians, Money can buy.”

Looks like we made the news in a big way this week. Our governor Robert Bentley has been the target of irate politicians and public after an illicit affair with his then (now former) adviser, Mrs. Rebekah Caldwell Mason. It seems that the cat was out of the bag after Bentley accidentally sent a tawdry text message meant for his mistress, Mrs. Mason, to his wife of 50 years. Whoops!

Bentley attempted retaliation for leaks of his affair, which wasn’t hard to figure out, according to official reports detailing the impeachment proceedings. The affair was so open that staffers nicknamed a bench in the garden area of the state capitol the “Love Bench”, where Bentley and Mason would meet.

A 74-year-old grandfather of six from Tuscaloosa who sometimes teaches Sunday school, Bentley has denied sleeping with Mason, a married mom nearly three decades younger than him.



“Baby, lemme tell you what we’re gonna have to do tonight,” Gov. Robert Bentley can be heard telling someone named “Rebekah” at one point. “Start locking the door. If we’re going to do what we did the other day we’re going to have to start locking the door.”


I need to get out my screen printing equipment again and reprint some t-shirts I had made myself years ago, during another governor’s term that resulted in prison time. It seems that Alabama is steeped in Good-Ole-Boy politics. There are times when I think the entire government here in our state, couldn’t poor water out of a boot, with the instructions written on the heel.

He constantly invoked the name of God and prayer all during this sideshow. He portrayed himself as a huge Christian, I really dislike people like that. Smile and pray with you, then lock the door to their office in the state capitol so they can have a love affair with a staff member.

“Alabama, The best Politicians Money can Buy.” 

We seem to be the butt of many jokes on late-night talk shows. Really makes you proud doesn’t it.

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