A quiet weekend, and a mellow Monday.

Nothing makes a weekend like a grandchild visiting. Issac dropped in with his Mom, and wanted to play music with grandpa Sunday. I wish I could bottle the energy this little fella has.

The weekend was relatively quiet. Until Saturday night, when someone decided it would be a good evening, to fire some fireworks. Not sure what holiday they were celebrating. Sometimes if you get enough alcohol in you, any Saturday night is a holiday. I don’t drink, so I was a bit confused when the barrage started.

Johnny Reb is back home from his stay at the county Hilton, I mean, jail. He has been very quiet so far. His family came over the next day and cut his grass, maybe it was an attempt to bury the hatchet, after having put him in jail.

This is Monday, treat the rest of it well, we won’t have another till next week! Keeping this short for a change.

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