Change is a’ coming to WordPress.

If you haven’t heard, WordPress is getting a new editor called “Gutenberg”. It will be in the WordPress 5, whenever they roll it out.

Many of us dislike change. Especially when it’s not asked for, but thrust upon us without much input. Windows 10  was that way, and I fought it, and won. At least in my mind I won.

This change, while very different, is fresh, and needed. WordPress has had the same editor for ages. While I don’t need a full suite of fancy tools to make a post, I do hate when you try to do something nice, and you have to spend your time untangling the mess made by the current editor. Such as the “center” option wanting to center everything close to the area you’re working in, and you have to find out where it went wrong. Wrestling with photo plugins so you can do an album display.

I have tried the new Editor. I hate change, but I actually found myself liking this. It is almost as if you’re using a WYSIWYG web page editor. Drag and drop, one click options, photo gallery using just drag and drop. I’m sure many of us will dislike it, many will love it, either way it’s coming down the pipe.

Over the years, blogs have gone from our personal, interactive sharing sites, to commercialization, with huge splashy pictures that take up the entire monitor screen, greeting you. Business, and websites are shifting to Blogs, even forums. For good or bad, change is a’ coming. Only problem? No one seems to know when.

This is but one link, of many that you can check out for more information.

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