My Cat (Reboot), has a drinking problem.

reboot young
Playing with Trackball. Picture by me.

I have a solid black Cat named “Reboot”, She was a rescue given to me by my Veterinarian on Halloween 2007. Just a tiny thing due to almost dying at birth, she has been my companion here in my Man-Cave-Office. I named her reboot because as a kitten she would get under the desk and step on the power strip, effectively killing power to one of the computers not on a UPS.

Her first addiction. Picture by me.

She developed a serious drinking problem at a young age. Her being tiny, made anything the size of a coffee cup fair game. I know, she’s different, a cat that likes coffee, preferably with cream and sugar. Of course, she is the same animal that turns her nose up at tuna fish. 10 years later she still has the drinking problem. She has also developed over the years, a taste for Diet Coke or Sweetened iced Tea.

“Reboot”, picture by me.

If you are leaving the room, don’t leave your drink. If you do you may as well plan on washing your drink container out. You have to just assume she has sampled it. I think her head has grown narrow from raiding the drinks from the taller glasses, or maybe it was just genetics. Anyhow, if anyone knows of a good drinking program for a stubborn cat, please let me know. Do any of you have cats with drinking problems?

That’s all I have for this wobbly Wednesday. I hope you’re on the downhill slide towards the weekend now.

Comments welcome,

Carrying the Green Movement too far?

The new “Green” vehicle?

I had to run into the big city on an errand. The sun was out bright so I opted to take the Harley for the ride in. I was a bit dismayed as a sunny ride turned into rainy looking clouds over a short period of time. Then I happened up on this and it helped me find some humor in the less than optimal trip.

My apologies for the picture quality. The picture was taken while sitting on my motorcycle at a red light, from a cell phone camera.

We all want to be ‘Green’ and save the Earth, but I was shocked when I pulled up behind what appeared to be a giant bush, at a traffic light. Of course I knew it wasn’t really a bush, but all I could do was shake my head at the insanity.

It was a small compact type truck, fully invisible from the rear, loaded down with limbs from some type of bush.The driver was an elderly man, with a big cigar in his mouth. He had a sour look on his face as I passed him, like he’d maybe swallowed a lemon whole, or the cigar was too soggy.

I spent a long time on the way home, and sitting here now, just thinking up comical captions for it, or crazy/funny scenarios to say about it.

  • One first thought was he will thump ashes out the window and maybe catch the rolling bush on fire. Then someone could report what appears to be a low fast comet streaking down the highway, as he tries to stay ahead of the flames.
  • Or maybe you light it, and it becomes a new mosquito repelling truck.
  • It was about to rain, maybe the wife had him watering the plants as he drove to the store.
  • Maybe he was a left over fanatical Prepper from the 2012 survival craze trying to conceal his vehicle, Then he wouldn’t be seen and lead someone back to his secret bunker.
  • Another was some unfortunate person not paying attention (think millennial yuppie texting), Doesn’t see the mess in front of them stopped, and rear ends into it. I could just hear them calling 911. “911, please state your emergency”. Driver: “Yes, I’m not sure, but I think I just ran into a bush in the road?”. I wonder also. If the old man drove off after the impact, would he technically be “Leafing the scene?”

If you can think of something else to label it with, or describe it, have at it. It’s amazing what you can drive in this state.

Comments welcome, (no open flames please)

Waiting Room Entertainment.

A week ago someone had posted on their comical trip to the Emergency Room. Then last night our daughter was here and we were trading stories, since she just went with a friend to the ER. It reminded me of this post I did last year in July. So I am recycling it here on this Friday morning! This is my second attempt to bring this post back to life today. Something apparently didn’t take this morning.


Some time ago my wife had to have back surgery, an outpatient procedure taking about 3 hours all total. I sat in a large waiting area during that time. It was totally different from the small waiting areas for the Coronary or ICU wings, where most are somber, quiet, and for the most part courteous people.

This area held about 110 people at full capacity. Today there were maybe 50. I sat there and thought about how society had slipped into the “me” generation. Even those that appeared to be in their 50s. One man sitting acrosshillbilly from me looked like one of the characters out of an Andy Griffith episode, the people that lived up in the mountains. He had a nearly 6 foot long staff with a leather wrap near the top. He had a full fluffy Santa Claus beard and was wearing overalls, with no T-Shirt. It was hard to say if it was a fashion statement, or just he was really that simple-minded to not realize how tacky it was. However, in today’s world how can we really define tacky. Listening to him speak with the lady he was with, who was dressed in jeans and what we call the “Wife Beater” tank top, that thin stretchy t-shirt material southern redneck men usually wear, Maybe he or both were out on a pass from an institution.

Looking around there is a woman ambling through the waiting area of robust size, wearing a thin pullover stretch T-shirt and spandex. It actually looked more like the tights you exercise in. It appeared they were rated for a size 10, maybe 140 lbs max, these were now supporting what appeared to be a size 20XXL on a 5’7? Frame, weighing about 270lbs. As she made her way across the room away from our area, it looked as if she was smuggling two pit-bulls out of a Pet Store, and they were fighting to get out of the rear of the conveyance. It is about 20 seconds of visual memory I’d rather not have witnessed.

The noise level from people talking loudly on their phone, or playing games with the volume turned up so they could hear it over the people talking, was really just over the top as far as manners.

There is a comedian, and the name escapes me at the moment, like many other things, that once said. “This here’s America! You can do anything you want, long as it doesn’t hurt anybody!”

Comments welcome,

What a great Sunday.

Great weather, a fantastic day spent with my wife walking and talking in the park. I washed the car this morning. That would ordinarily not be a momentous occasion, except that the last time I was washing it, I had a massive heart attack. So it was great to be able to say I did it this time without causing a big commotion.

It was last August when that event occurred as related in “Back in the Saddle Again”.  I guess there was just something about having some trepidation of attempting that same activity that led to the event.

Actually I blamed the heart attack on the mother-in-law. She drives me nuts sometimes. We take care of her since her husband passed away. Michelle told me that when they were accessing me in the hospital right after arriving, the doctor asked if I was under extra stress. Michelle says that even medicated I didn’t miss a beat and replied to him that “Yes, and she is on the floor above me now.” He looked at me as if the medication was working ‘too well’.

Michelle had to explain to him, that the mother-in-law had been admitted to the hospital 3 days before, and was in a room on the floor above.

Anyhow, this day was a great one. If tomorrow is even close to this, it will be heaven on earth.

Comments always welcome,