School time again

You have to feel for today’s students that attend public school, well some of them anyway. I watch as some arrive here in the dark outside the house to wait on a bus to pick them up at 6am. That means they are on that bus for 2.5 hours before school starts. Then 6.5 hours of school and another couple of hours back home. It’s just sad that transportation in the US is that horrible for most kids.

I guess our little ones have moved on this year as I only see one kid outside waiting for the bus this morning on the first real day of school. He looks about 10 years old. I guess the kindergarten and grade school kids have moved on. Such is life in a trailer park though I guess. I guess we won’t have any pulling up flowers, bashing our vehicles by kicking basketballs into them, or batting rocks over the traffic on the highway with a plastic bat. Unless they show up later in the week…

I remember my days of walking to school instead of a bus, it taught me social skills and how to behave. Of course many of us then were born of parents that instilled values and common sense.  In today’s world it is too dangerous to allow kids to walk to school. Just what does that say for us as a society in the top country of the world, or are we still.


Our Stupid award goes to…

Today the award goes to Alabama Inmate Justin Caldwell who apparently thought that inmatewhile choosing to be a career criminal it would be a good idea to have a prominent tattoo on his forehead and nose. I suppose it is good fortune for law-enforcement  that he is so stupid.

Apparently our public education system failed him, or his daddy beat him, or his Mommie didn’t love him, or his puppy bit him when he was a child and it led him to a life of crime. Sentenced to 8 years for receiving stolen goods he escaped sometime in the last 24 hours.

So if you see Mr. Caldwell wandering around with his shaved head and a large tattoo on his nose and forehead trying to blend in and not be noticed, give your locals a call and help the misguided idiot back to his room.

Why do I use “Stupid”? A comedian once said, “Ignorance can be fixed, Stupid is forever…”

Comments welcome,

“It worked till you fixed it!”

Famous words spoken many times about Computers and other electrical gadgets, usually a true statement. It seems every time something is working fine, someone has a problem and they come out to fix it and everyone winds up with the problem. The last problem we had with the Internet Service turned out to be water in our lines.

This time we had cruised along just fine and they were out here working on the Cable at the pole. They said it was reported by several in the Park that there was trouble and cable repairthey had traced it to that point just outside our house. Naturally the old adage has come into play “It worked till you fixed it!”. I had to call and report slow and intermittent connections for the last two days. I get a scheduled tech call 4 days way. Tonight I get an automated call saying our outage was due to a problem in the area that has now been rectified and the service call will be cancelled.

As you would guess, about 15 mins after the call the Internet slowed to dial-up speed for about 15 minutes and then was off at our regular fast clip. I guess I will need to call them Monday if it keeps up. Maybe they need to come back out and add more water to the cable?

Comments welcome,

Simmering Saturday

It has been a hot one once again today. I can’t begin to tell you how much I miss Fall. It’s the July 4th weekend and idiots already shooting fireworks and it is only July 2nd. Public Education at it’s finest I suppose. They can’t read a Calendar. I hope they are about depleted of Beer and fireworks before Monday rolls around.

I’ve had a full day of trying to find out why some spammer is able to use the email on my domain to send out spam which in turn keeps tripping a suspension of the site. SickComputerSupport is very helpful but there is only so much they can do. It is up to me to wade through the site, some 9,000+ files and find if they left a script to allow them to get in. I have run scans all day and online scanners found nothing. I downloaded the entire site and ran clamav and it hit on a php item that turns out is all by its lonesome sitting in a css folder. I’m hoping that was the script they had managed to somehow get on the server. I’ll know in the morning if we’re not suspended again as the spamming script seems to run at night while I’m asleep.

If it gets any hotter the Tomatoes in the Garden will be cooked well before we can pick them. The heat brings out the best in people too. Fights down the road at the Citgo Station between man and woman, then two men. Motorcycle idiot is back in the Park and doing his best to break his neck. Some guy ingested Rat Poison, another just went berserk at home. Is it a full moon?

Almost time to sit down and stop listening to the madness outside and enjoy Abbott and Costello on Mars. I think if it wasn’t for Svenghoolie on Saturday nights the Cable TV would be worthless. Speaking of Cable, the company had two trucks out here in front of the house for 4 days last week looking for a problem that the rest of the Park was having. We were having no issues imagine that! They left the last day they were out, and 2 hours later the entire park went offline for about 4 hours. They did come out the next morning and finally managed to get it going.

Of course I will need to wait till the Washer stops since the bearing in that old beast is as loud as a small tornado on the spin cycle.

Comments welcome,