Water Powered Internet?

Well the living room TV began losing channels on the movie channels, then the guide showed more “to be announced” that things to watch. All the other TV’s worked fine, only difference in the mix was this one was a DVR receiver.

Support could not fix it via phone so a on site tech arrived and said cable signal out of
cable repairspec. Internet has been running fine. When he unconnected at the pole water came out of the cable coax. Imagine great internet speed with a cable full of water! I call it water internet, at least it was flowing fine.

We are back up and running nothing changed except we now have the main DVR running correctly and we didn’t have to have it swapped out. Michelle threatened to do us all in if she lost her recorded shows. I myself think it was the work of the devious little squirrels here. I feed them and they eat the cable, go figure.

Ever notice how deathly quiet the house is with no TV?

Comments always welcome.

It’s working so far…

Well, it’s been about 2 weeks now since I blocked the shortcut through our yard that some lazy people were taking. It had worn a driveway through part of our yard before we moved here, and I got tired of mud being splashed up on our new vehicle. So I parked the big ole Durango smack in the middle of the shortcut in the yard (after all it is our yard they are using.).

I am slowly filling in the worn areas with leaves and dirt and hopefully grass will grow again.

I have noticed some of the three or four vehicles that used to use it looking as they drive by but no verbal reactions so far so I think all is good. People are just so lazy these days and don’t respect the property of others.

I guess we can say for this project, “All well that ends well”.

Trailer park Life Rebooted.

It’s been sometime since I have posted about Trailer Park life and I apologize. It’s not the fact that nothing has gone on because it has, I guess I have just been lazy. I think it will be fun to chronicle the happenings here, sort of like a neighborhood newspaper. I’m not saying it’s weird, but when the US Postal service won’t deliver a package to your door and you have to drive 5 miles to pick it up, that says something.

We had one young couple walking along snatching one another and cursing. Someone was seeing someone, and one was working and one wasn’t”t on and on ad-nausea. When I thought it would come to blows I finally called the Sheriff. Naturally by the time the Deputies arrived the couple had moved across the three lane highway. Upon seeing the patrol vehicles coming, they decided to hold hands. According to the Police Scanner, “Nothing was wrong they were just taking a walk”. A vehicle just happened to arrive at that time to give them a lift.

I can’t wait till around July,when the landlord has the resident work person, a small frail looking guy, scoop out the top of the septic tanks with a shovel, and load it in a pickup truck to be dumped somewhere. The guy wears a kerchief around his face and scoops a shovel full, tosses it in the bed of the truck, does an all over body shudder, and repeats.

Always something interesting around here.

Comments welcome

Vaping, new fad or death sentence.

I have watched this Fad for the last three years as Vape shops spring up all around us. Kids, or young adults puffing on their Vape Pipes because they think it is cool. They also say it is not smoking which in a technical sense they are correct.

Where is the wisdom in inhaling atomized water vapor filled with chemicals for artificial images (2)
color and flavor. I am transfixed at the ones that always take it to the limit with anything. So they add modified “Tanks” to the devices for that ultimate super huge cloud of vapor they can exhale and impress one another. Some of the tanks even in this area have exploded in the faces of the users as they tweak the voltages and capacity of the Tanks, which are really nothing more than a small steam generator in front of your face. What could possibly go wrong with that idea.

Looks like it’s here to stay for a while, but I still maintain that it will be found to cause health problems in the near future. After all, some of that vapor artificial flavor and colors will remain in the lungs and build up over time. The users aren’t Rocket Scientist by any stretch and fail to see that ingesting heavy amounts of water vapor directly into the lungs might be hazardous.

I also get really ticked off at those that think by Vaping they can skirt the laws and rules of others. Some Vapes contain Nicotine so please don’t fire that thing up in my house where I prohibit smoking and try to tell me it is just a harmless Vapor. If I wanted to smoke, Vape, or set myself on fire I would do it myself.

Comments welcome