Things, were so quiet, then Karma came for the weekend.

Regular readers, are thinking it’s some juicy craziness in the trailer park. No, apparently things have been too quiet. Karma has had nothing to do, so she came to stay with me, for the weekend. A three-day weekend! Maybe it’s my punishment for neglecting to blog.

I forgot to renew the blog

It seemed to start Friday. In 11 years, I have never forgotten to renew my hosting on sites. I have broken my perfect record, someone (cough) forgot to renew the blog. I don’t do the auto renew thing. It’s easier for me to  pay it per year. Some may have visited and were not able to access the blog, my apologies. It took two days, to get back on all the name servers. The invoices and reminders, had been going to spam. That crisis is now solved.

Friday, I decided to upgrade the arcade. A recent notice advised they were changing a component, and if you didn’t apply the updates it would cease to function. The deadline was a couple days away. Of course, that little endeavor ended badly. The update went south, the backup I had? Would not take (corrupted). Hours of work, still no joy. I am installing another arcade now.

All my regular support, was lazing around.

Have you tried, “Rebooting”?

Reboot : Not, my, problem. I don’t do, Karma.

Saturday, I relax and continue working on the arcade project. Then the CD-Rom on the main machine went crazy when I booted up for the morning. It started a dull clunking noise, as if the laser was re-positioning back and forth. Then the tray opened part way and the computer locked up. That forced a hard shutdown, which most of the time I’m lucky, and have no ill effects. This time? It scrambled the Apache server, on the machine that handles the security webcams. Thankfully I had an image from a couple days ago, and in 4 minutes, we were back running properly (with the CD unplugged). That felt good. However, with Karma, nothing good lasts forever.

Sunday. The first morning of the new time change, the weather station was offline. I didn’t have the wireless console/receiver on the wall, that communicates with the RaspberryPi, which runs the weather site, set correctly to change the time. (That was a mouthful) So the Pi decided to pout, about the information suddenly being from the future by one hour. I reset everything and we’re back running.

Karma’s parting shot

Monday morning. Surely, since the weekend is over things will get back to normal. No. I start this entry and attempt to back-space. Several key strokes later the key bottoms out, and refuses to come back up. Have you ever tried working on the keys? The regular ones are fine, the larger ones all have a bar or spring under them, sometimes both. It is an exercise in madness. I did manage to find a manufacturing defect (plastic burr) that I removed, and it started working fine. Maybe Karma thought I was busy, and just left me a parting shot. Or was it some type of philosophical, Freudian, gesture. “Backspace”, you can’t go back? You can’t back up, and erase your mistakes?  Or heaven forbid, I’ll be back!

I leave you with my broken site graphic that I use sometimes.

Comments always welcome,

Karma and Irony are our friends, Trailer Park Awards for May.

I have been slacking in my posting lately. Projects here at home have kept me challenged but I am finally victorious!

The trailer park has been blissfully quiet for the last 2 weeks. It’s therefore time to chronicle the last major event. One that was unexpected, but welcome. Some of you will remember the mean, grumpy guy down the street. The one that argues with his neighbor all the time about her dogs.

There was a flurry of activity down his way for several days. The court had mercy on him and didn’t impose a sentence on him for the warrant that his neighbor signed on him. It probably helped that he arrived in a wheelchair, one amputated leg, pushed by his elderly father, who claimed to live with him and take care of him. They should get a Trailer Park Oscar. After the court appearance, he started doing things to aggravate the neighbor that had signed the warrant. Now they only have about 20 feet between his tiny camper and her fence line which is about 15 feet from her front door. So he wheels his dilapidated BBQ grill over to the fence, and burns obnoxious trash in it for 2 days. Plastic, rubber, dog poop.

During this time, Karma and Irony both must have tired of his antics. Your in deep trouble when Karma and Irony come for you. The county deputies came to his house one day on a call about a man and woman and 2 children in his house that refuse to leave. Then we hear of another call to the back row where his parents live, you remember, the ones that fly their confederate flag also and asked their neighbor not to have Negroes (they used the N word) visit him. The next day deputies arrive and take him off to jail. He’s been gone 2 weeks.

What better irony, than the ones that helped keep you out of jail by lying for you, signing a warrant on you. We are all thinking of throwing a neighborhood party in honor of his present residence in the county jail. You know, maybe we should give bozo a name. Let’s Call him Johnny Reb from now on if we have to write about him.

Official Trail Park Ass-hat Award
  • Awards:
    Johnny Reb and his father (and the wheel chair) get a Court Oscar for their performance of “Pitiful Redneck”, that kept him out of jail.
  • Johnny Reb also receives recognition, and official status, of “Ass-hat” of the trailer park. (Applause)
  • Karma and Irony deserve special mention for dumping so hard on Johnny Reb.
  • We would also like to thank his parents, who somehow managed to get fed up enough, they decided to sign him up for an all expense paid stay at the county facility, where he can relax, have his meals delivered to him, and play volley ball in the sports area. (Thunderous Applause!)

We are back to quiet days. Only the early morning put-put-put of the maintenance man’s riding mower, as he trundles down the highway to the service station for a cup of coffee. The sound of the neighbor 2 doors down, working in his forge making knives out of old steel.  Oh yes, and the lady next door, dog-cussing her fur babies till they finally get tired and come in the house. Life is good…

Comments always welcome,

Alabama ‘Lover Governor’ avoids Impeachment. “Best Politicians, Money can buy.”

Looks like we made the news in a big way this week. Our governor Robert Bentley has been the target of irate politicians and public after an illicit affair with his then (now former) adviser, Mrs. Rebekah Caldwell Mason. It seems that the cat was out of the bag after Bentley accidentally sent a tawdry text message meant for his mistress, Mrs. Mason, to his wife of 50 years. Whoops!

Bentley attempted retaliation for leaks of his affair, which wasn’t hard to figure out, according to official reports detailing the impeachment proceedings. The affair was so open that staffers nicknamed a bench in the garden area of the state capitol the “Love Bench”, where Bentley and Mason would meet.

A 74-year-old grandfather of six from Tuscaloosa who sometimes teaches Sunday school, Bentley has denied sleeping with Mason, a married mom nearly three decades younger than him.



“Baby, lemme tell you what we’re gonna have to do tonight,” Gov. Robert Bentley can be heard telling someone named “Rebekah” at one point. “Start locking the door. If we’re going to do what we did the other day we’re going to have to start locking the door.”


I need to get out my screen printing equipment again and reprint some t-shirts I had made myself years ago, during another governor’s term that resulted in prison time. It seems that Alabama is steeped in Good-Ole-Boy politics. There are times when I think the entire government here in our state, couldn’t poor water out of a boot, with the instructions written on the heel.

He constantly invoked the name of God and prayer all during this sideshow. He portrayed himself as a huge Christian, I really dislike people like that. Smile and pray with you, then lock the door to their office in the state capitol so they can have a love affair with a staff member.

“Alabama, The best Politicians Money can Buy.” 

We seem to be the butt of many jokes on late-night talk shows. Really makes you proud doesn’t it.

Comments welcome,

Karma working over time, I love it.

I know, it’s not nice to laugh at someone’s misfortune. It seems as if I read somewhere that there was a rule, that ‘if they asked for it’ then it was okay to giggle if Karma stepped in. I could be wrong, but I smiled and snickered anyway. Many times it takes so long for karma to get through its extensive list of well deserving recipients, that we think it is never going to happen.

Then there are the times when you are blessed to witness the dolling out of long overdue payback. Today was one of those. We have a new person here in the park that has apparently acquired a small 4 cylinder vehicle with a very loud (or no) muffler. It also barely runs. This necessitates having to rev up the engine for enough power to drag it forwards. 11PM is not a good time to be testing out your latest anemic street-racer.

Karma must have been close by this morning.

This morning around 7:30AM he decides to test it once again. As he takes off down the road, making more noise than speed, there is a loud noise and smoke begins to pour out behind it. About an hour later we see it being towed into the park on a tow-strap behind another worn out looking vehicle. Karma must have been close by this morning.

I have a neighbor that is a great guy, hard worker, about 30 years old. He just for whatever reason doesn’t follow requests well. My German Shepherd Max has been trained by me not to jump up and lean on the fence. I have kindly asked the guy to please not call Max to the fence and get him to jump up so he can pet him. At that point he always remembers and apologizes.

Can anyone see where this is going?

This morning I hear Max barking excitedly, I step to the window to check on him. There is the neighbor leaning over the fence. He has Max’s long, cylinder shaped, orange plastic toy, that has an 12-inch rope on one end. Now the neighbor has a two handed grip on the plastic toy. Max who is 87lbs has a death grip on the rope end pulling with all his might. The neighbor is playing tug-o-war (something we have also asked him not to do) with Max. Can anyone see where this is going?

Max’s Toy

The guy is leaning over the fence pulling hard to get Max to release the toy. He has it in a double hand grip with the round blunt end pointed at his face… You guessed it, Max releases his grip and the toy flies into the guy’s nose, HARD. He staggers back against his fence that is only about 2 feet behind him. He looked like he was going to pass out but grabbed the fence and stood there dabbing at his nose. It must have been a very hard impact. He looks around to see if anyone may have seen his misfortune. He staggered as he went back to his house.

So Karma apparently had a sense of humor today and stuck around for a double header. The days not over either!

Comments welcome,