I just love Karma when it works

Been enduring the ignorance of a young fella in the neighborhood. Old enough to know better (looks to be about 25) Just too stupid to do anything about it. Or maybe it’s all the ink from his Tats that has leaked to his brain.

Anyway, after weeks of hearing him start his car, rev up the engine and spin his tires up our short gravel street at all hours (probably making Beer runs to the store). Karma smiled on us and frowned on him. Maybe Karma was tired of listening to it also.

Before 8AM this morning I heard it start-up. I had just gotten up and got my first cup of Coffee and sat down at the computer. I heard him take off from in front of our house, throwing gravel as he went, he made it to the end of the street, and apparently remembering something, turned around and roared back down towards our houses that sit at the end of the street.

He was either not paying attention, or had a brain fart. Either way he hit his brakes as he passed his driveway and slid about 50 feet and perched his vehicle over the edge of a 4 foot ditch that is full of tangle vines and small brush trees. His left rear wheel is about 3 inches off the ground.

I watched as his people came out of the house where he stays and he stomped around like the world was to blame for his predicament. I watched him shovel, push, slam the car doors, at one point someone even out of stupidity tried to use a 4X4 piece of timber prying up on the rear? of the vehicle. If they had succeeded, they would have just pushed the car on over nose down in the ditch. Obviously not graduates of the simplest common sense.

I just sat in the recliner, sipped some good Coffee and marveled at the engineering prowess being displayed and the demonstration of radical temper as he threw things and stomped around.

It’s still there, perched and waiting. It has been quiet on the street with it stuck there. Do you have idiots on your street?


Karma's Great