Once upon a time, on a voyage long ago..


How long have I lain upon this deck, of a ship that’s tempest tossed…
Like a man that’s died, no longer cares, and fears the world is lost.
Am I a coward, or simply tired, of fighting waves so large…
I must get up, and find my way, or wait on the funeral barge.

Once upon a time that’s past, the sails were full and proud…
She rode the waves, and sailed the world, with love upon her bow.
A crew of two, and love so true, is how she tamed the waves…
Happy times, and days of mirth, is what she always gave.

Then came the storms that cracked the main, and set my world adrift…
A crew of two, with love so true, but the faith began to slip.
So here we stand, on separate ends, of a ship that seems so long…
I think back on the love and faith, and wonder where they’ve gone.

After a black, and terrible storm, I found that you were gone…
I stood upon the empty deck, and loudly sang our song.
I cursed the waves, that brought me here, and fought to save my ship…
The thunder was loud, the rocks too close, my feet began to slip.

How long have I lain upon this deck, of a ship that’s tempest tossed…
Like a man that’s died, no longer cares, and fears the world is lost.
I must get up, and save myself, to remain here is to die…
But the loss is deep, there is no sleep, and the stars just make me cry.

But I will stand upon the shore, and search the waves so blue…
And hope my love is strong enough, to find someone that’s true.

Ron Walker August 1998