“Like and Share” Buttons: I solved my problem.

First, let me say that I am self-hosted. I use Jetpack for additional options such as the like and share buttons. The problem I was having, was the like and sharing buttons were not showing on my first page, or any single type page. They were showing properly on every post. I tried everything I could think of, to solve why the share and like buttons were missing. I read dozens of Google search leads. Checked every setting I could find over and over again. Different themes, I even set up a fresh test site.

My solution

I assumed, and we all know what that action can do, that Jetpack overrode all settings of my WordPress installation and provided the like and share buttons. It turns out, that in the WordPress controls, under Settings, there are options that control the like and share buttons. Either I had changed them recently, or something else threw a monkey wrench in. Below you will see the options I chose. My problem was I found the top box ” Front Page, Archive Pages, and Search Results ” unchecked. Checking that box, set everything right with the world. I hope this helps someone else with the same problem.

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