Winding down a Wednesday with Leonard Cohen (Traveling light)

Okay, I admit I lived under a rock at times when it came to music. Having spent my life in police work, I just didn’t get into the banks of knowledge to know who all the artists were. So it was no surprise the other day when someone mentioned Leonard Cohen. The name sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it.

I followed the link to the song and became transfixed with the unique sound. It reminds me of background music that plays in a movie during intense emotional scenes.

Cohen described the song in press materials as “A seeker hits the road and finds the joys of solitude.”

The song is a reworking of a poem that first appeared in Cohen’s 2006 poetry collection Book of Longing.

His career spanned 50 years. He passed from this world November 7, 2016, at the age of 82. This song was released on the “You want it Darker” Album, 2 months before his death. He still does a great job on the song at 82. The video contains some rare unseen footage of Cohen.

I find myself humming this day and night since hearing it. I have learned it on the guitar, but there is no way I can reproduce his unique voice for this song or even come close. Perhaps some of you find it to your liking. Either way have a great Wednesday.

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