Cell Phones make them Stupid

You see them everywhere phone in hand walking, driving, standing in line. The obsession with communication (Social Media in particular) has become an addiction. There are those that can’t seem to put down their phones until they go to bed at night, many of them have been known to wake and check the phone for a new Facebook or Tweet about something they are following. You can’t get them up via an alarm clock for work or school, but they come alive at the sound of a text alert. Maybe I should develop an alarm with media alert sounds.

Most mornings I watch as a mother of two kids about 7 or 8 years old walks to the School Bus Stop with them. The kids are way ahead of her and she is leisurely strolling along immersed in her phone at 7am in the morning her fingers working rapidly. It looks rather comical with the phone a mere 8-10 inches from her nose, apparently she doesn’t see too well. The kids meanwhile are left to their own near the busy roadway.

Young and older Millennial adults go to visit someone or eat in a restaurant and spend more time looking at a phone than they do their friends, spouse or kids. Some no matter what they are doing will stop and run to the phone if they hear an alert chime. It’s almost as if they think the message will disappear before they can read it never to be seen again. It’s sad really.

I need to go as it’s time for the School Bus and I might just get a laugh if that Mother walks into something while texting. Failing that I think I’ll just look up some videos of idiots walking into water fountains.

Comments (no texts please) welcome,