Closing a long day, with something beautiful.


Storm clouds brewing.

It has been a long day, a busy day sort of. It was a great day though. I really can’t complain when it seems long, it just means I got to spend more time of life in a single day. I worked around the house, I tried to watch TV but it was dull, and news was the same thing they have been espousing all week.


Most of the day I spent just playing around on the computer. I tried all sorts of things to fix a vexing problem with a program. Then right at the end of about 9 hours of reading web pages, and adding subtracting programs that might be interfering, I realized the problem was the occupant of the chair at the keyboard. Face-palm moment as I read the words in a tech post where someone had ticked a box by mistake. I then remembered doing it the other day. Nothing like a senior moment!

I finished up and visited all the blogs that I follow that had new content. They are always a source of pleasure. Now, I must await a storm that is bearing down on us this evening and hope that I don’t lose any shingles. The picture above is of the weird cloud formation that was steadily marching this way.

Have a great night.