Our Monument… (Poems by Ron)

Our Monument…

How could I ever repay you, for the kindness that you’ve shown?
I could build for you a monument, of beautiful wood and stone.

But it could never show the world, the softness that you share.
The things you’ve given of yourself, the way you truly care.

I could never build it high enough, to touch the evening sky
The way you’ve touched my heart within, but I would love to try.

It would never match the way you walk, though it’s curves would show the grace.
Although a thing of beauty, it would remain in just one place.

Upon it I could place wind chimes, to catch the evening breeze.
But they could never sound as soft, as your voice, as you call to me.

With precious stones, I could cover it, for all the world to see…
But they would dim in comparison, to your eyes so beautiful green.

So I will build a smaller one, so all the world can see…
A simple statue of a heart, with a picture of you and me.

I’ll leave the stones and statues, for people that have passed.
Our love will be our monument, and forever it shall last.

Ron Walker July 1999

Sharing walks along country roads. “Poems by Ron”

After reading several blogs about taking walks together, I was reminded of this poem that I penned years ago. This was inspired, by the walks Michelle and I would take along a dirt road in the country.

Our actual road we walked.

The Walk

May I walk with you tonight my love, along this road of life.”

Yes”, he said. And held her close, and felt her heart that night.

May I hold onto your hand my love, as we walk this road tonight?”

Yes”, you may, Is what he’d say, and squeeze her hand just right.

The moonlight fell to earth so soft, and onward they would walk.

She’d speak of things that she had done, and he’d listen to her talk.

On and on, side by side, they’d walk for hours on end.

And then he’d stop, look in her eyes, and listen to the wind…

And say

May I walk with you tonight my love, along this road of life?” 

May I tell you of the things I feel, while I hold you here tonight.”

Yes, you may”, is what she’d say. Then she’d kiss him on the cheek.

Then they’d turn and start to walk, she’d listen to him speak.

Things of heart, and things of life, they shared along that road.

And in their hearts there always beat, a love as pure as gold.

While walking along the road one night, she stopped and turned to him…

And looked into his loving eyes, then tightly clung to him.

She whispered,

Will you think of me, when I’m not near, will you miss me when I’m gone…

Will you remember us, and think of love, when you walk this road alone”.

For moments, he was silent, she wished that he would speak.

 Then he held her closer still, and kissed her on the cheek.

He said,

How can I step, how can I breathe, without a thought of you,

for every step along this road, I’ve made because of you”.

If I should pass on from this Earth, I want for you to know.

As long as you remember us, you’ll never walk alone”.

R Walker August 1997

Just a Poem for tonight. The Darkness.

The Darkness…
The darkness of night hides our tears,
And moonlight makes our soul long for times forgotten…
The wind calls softly through the trees and brush,
And bids our hearts farewell.

Yea though, a walk on a cloudy night with the mist in our face,
Can bring forth longing so bittersweet,
As to make our eyes well up, with tears unbidden…

Where can a heart seek refuge from memory?
Not in the night,
For the night calls to us on a primeval chord of sad rhapsody…
And without permission, or hearts respond,
Robbing strength from our soul.

The darkness of night hides my return,
To a place of special memories…
Retracing steps taken in a time past, bringing forth sweet recall.

In the darkness we hear voices,
And feel the breeze upon our face…
In the darkness, the feelings return…
But only in this place.
And when in spirit I return, and stand upon this ground,
Will she be here, with unbidden tears…
Will she hear me in the sounds,
Of the darkness…

Ron Walker