Soggy Saturday, and Streaming (YouTube)

It seems we are getting a rain band, from the tropical disturbance that has made its way into MS. We have a tornado watch for the entire state of Alabama, today. I’m enjoying the slow sleepy rain and the cloud cover. If I can’t have Fall right now, at least I can enjoy slightly cooler temps.

Mad as a “Wet Hen”

I was just getting ready, but not quite set up yet to stream to You
Tube, when a girl came walking down the front drive dripping wet, in what was a moderate rain failing at that moment. She looked pretty angry. Probably a wife, or late teen that had just finished an argument with someone, and walked off. Here’s hoping she has a big towel once she calms down.


Grandson, who is nine, spent the night with us and he and I made some fun T-Rex cutouts. He gets a kick out of them, walking around the office watching the illusion of them following him with their head and eyes.

I watched this video on exactly how to fold them.

Live-Steaming Experiment

I’m still trying my hand at live-streaming. I find it hard to just talk to myself, as if I’m talking to others. They say that is what you have to get used to, until you get some followers that happen across your stream and become semi, or regular watchers. It will be a fun experiment. After all, I blogged for about four years or so, until I found all of you on the WordPress community, through the WordPress Reader.

You never know what people are interested in. Myself, I find it entertaining to just drop in on YouTubers, that have someone talking about current events, and they answer questions posed in the chat box. Those can be interesting. I’m not into conspiracy streams, there is enough in life without all that. It takes all walks of life, to do streams. Some are instructional, some are just to keep others company I suppose.

I come across some, that are just gamers that stream the game play as they are playing. Many of them play for hours. There are actually people that frequent the streams, and chat. Maybe they just enjoy the friendship, and interaction. Some like watching aquariums, or squirrels from time to time. My squirrels, have vacated the area. I observed two a couple of days ago on the porch rail, but they never went to the food bowl.

Time to get back to browsing the Internet, listening to the police scanner. Perhaps something will come up here in the park, or within driving distance that I can make material of.

Comments always welcome.