Massive Global Ransomware Attack Underway

This is a late post, I was prompted to do it after seeing it mentioned on the news again this evening.

A form of Ransomware seems to be gaining momentum. Please make sure that you are up to date on any Windows updates. I would recommend extra careful Internet usage practices for a while. Resist opening, or clicking on links that are in emails you receive. Be cautious of any documents someone sends you, that you are not expecting.

How to Protect Yourself From the Vulnerability

According to Microsoft a fix for this vulnerability was released on March 14th for all affected versions of Windows. If you are running Windows and have automatic updates enabled you should be okay. If you don’t and haven’t updated recently you should update to the most recently released version immediately. It is important to note that unsupported versions of Windows, like XP, did not receive this security update. Those systems should either be isolated or shut down.

Source: Wordfence Security

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