Mother Nature, has called for a “Reset”.

Some religious beliefs, think of the Earth as a living thing. Native Americans have long hinted at a “reset” that would come about if we continued to abuse our living host. Fanciful thinking? Or an analogy for what is occurring. Will we listen? I doubt it.

This virus has been with us for longer than we know. The numbers continue rising each day, not from spread, but from discovery. Testing was woefully inadequate, so as more are tested, the numbers rise. Take a look at the picture below, and you can imagine how fast it traveled, just in the US. I think our family unit of four, had it back in January, before it was a “thing”. My brother-in-law worked in the largest city, where there are more cases due to the population, and the international airport. We had all the symptoms they describe, but thought it was the normal Winter Flu. Only this was much worse. My mother-in-law who was in her 70s was hospitalized by the high fever. She also had severe COPD and lung cancer. She passed away within two weeks. All of us recovered even though the wife and I have compromised immune systems. I’m 68 and diabetic.

Global warming frenzy. Humans aren’t causing it, but we are enhancing it. For millennia, the Earth has warmed and cooled, from tropical to ice age, a natural cycle. In the last few hundred years, we have upset this cycle by adding our influences. Whether it be noise, light, or trash. Have you ever looked at the traffic just from Aviation. Many of them carrying fewer passengers each year. Check this site. The picture below, was taken this morning at 8:22am central time. Imagine the exhaust being generated by all those massive aircraft. Now, think of this. This picture shows a greatly reduced amount of aircraft, due to the coronavirus. Imagine a normal day. Of course, we are told it is the release of power plants burning coal that fills the air. No one dare mention such a huge lobby as the airline industry. Add to that the millions of vehicles every day.,-94.45/5

We have become an “always on” species. Nothing sleeps anymore in the quest for the last dollar. Light pollution, noise, radio emissions, smog. Here in the South, the fireflies of our youth, sometimes called lightning bugs, are getting scarce. Some researchers claim that light pollution makes it harder for the insects to find one another’s flashes and reproduce, so they move to other areas, the mating has been interrupted reducing the numbers. The bees are losing numbers, the beautiful butterflies once so numerous, are declining.

The US wasn’t prepared, why? Well, when things go well for a long time, people grow complacent, distracted. Our CDC which is charged with testing, prevention, and monitoring of diseases, grew bored over the last 20+ years. They shifted to trying to prevent gun violence and counting the deaths from firearms. Or alcohol related deaths. They forgot that most of those things are “learned behaviors” not diseases. Well, they didn’t exactly forget, they just shifted over, so they could collect more funding. After all, you get more cash following politically hot subjects. They spent little time improving our testing and readiness for a pandemic.

The Earth is sick, we have become the germ, and it now moves to protect itself. Sound crazy? Maybe, maybe not. In a way, it is the natural order of things. Those who continue the status quo, will suffer the most, those that slow down, avoid it where possible, will survive. Question is, can our society that has always lived on the edge from day to day, survive while slowing down. The greedy, and the less intelligent will not fair so well during a reset. I know some young people today that are still going out, moving about because they are “bored”.

Enough Doom and Gloom, share a cyber smile today.

Stay safe friends, I cherish you all.

Comments always welcome.