It’s so hard to say goodbye. (without smiling) Toodles to the Troll.

There are songs about, “It’s hard to say goodbye”. I can’t say it applies to this instance. It seems the Troll, is retiring. If your not familiar with who the Troll is, just search the blog for troll. The resident manager came by yesterday with a printed page telling residents, about him retiring, that she will remain the resident manager. He won’t be taking calls anymore,  one of his sons is taking over the park.

Happy Retirement!

Here’s hoping she wasn’t thinking that I was going to be sad or anything, I was doing my best not to break out in a big grin, kind of like getting that rock out of your shoe finally. It was sweet of her to hand us a Christmas card though. Yea, I mentally checked

it for money as I opened it. After all I have put up with here, I figure maybe they owe me. I guess I was feeling a tad snide as I closed the door. I stood there thinking how strange it is, on one hand they make sure they pass out official looking letters, advising you of rules, Then they do something so stupid and out of left field, like paying one of the tenants $50 to use a shovel, and scoop off the top layer of poop from the septic tank and toss it in the bed of a pickup truck, instead of hiring an official pump truck.

Not sure if they are planning some type of retirement/going away shindig, Of course, some of them out here may throw their own party, in celebration of his leaving. I can’t close this without a few memories of the old boy

  • The day he was very rude to the mother-in-law when we first moved in.
  • The day after we moved in, and I cussed him out for being so pushy and cursing in front of Michelle and her Mom.
  • The day he had walked through the yard ahead of me, then came back to ask if my dog bites, he was asking about the ceramic dog, just under the edge of the trailer, THAT, is some bad eyesight.
  • The day he came out to clean the edge of the drive and burn the leaves, but he managed to park one tire on a burning pile of leaves. That was a loud moment.
  • The best? And funniest. The day he was actually trying to be friendly and stopped outside my fence. It turned out he was in a good mood and wanted to compliment me on how my yard looked. He asks, “Did you have your trailer painted?” I look over my shoulder at the light green algae that had started to grow all along this north side. “No, but I did pressure wash it last year.” I replied. Apparently he was trying to be nice for a change. I had been told he can’t see very well, He thanked me for being a great homeowner, fires up his mower, and with a wave he’s gone. I stood there watching him trundle down the road on the mower, his straw hat pulled down firmly on his head. I hope I’m still that mobile at 82 years old.

You can never tell, the next person may be worse than him, and we find ourselves wishing he was still around. Now I will have to retire my Troll picture I use in posts sometimes.

Comments welcome, have you ever been glad to see someone go?