They say every village has it’s Idiot, Why break the tradition.

It’s 5:30 am, I am awakened by sounds like the maintenance helper going by on his pieced together riding lawn mower. It’s still dark out there. One girl on the back street already threatened his continued existence,  if he woke her up again at 5:30 am to cut her grass.

On the second lap past our place (he is making a circuit of the main street that runs through the park like one large block). I get up and go to the office to peek out. There he is on lap three, big brimmed hat on his head, there is a very light misty rain falling. He actually has headlights on the thing. No muffler to speak of, but lights. He stops the laps and starts driving up and down the front road where the mailboxes are. My neighbor comes out of his house looking for the noise. I’m sure he knows what it is, before he looks.

I grab the cell phone when he was making another pass a good bit later around 6 am, so I can record the craziness, just in case he gets squashed on the roadway. He always rides down to the station for coffee in the mornings. Now it was still pretty dark, the camera made it look lighter, but you can see the streetlights are still on. I’m not sure what he was trying to do this morning, maybe charge up the battery on his mower by riding it around? That should be a waste of time with the headlights going.

In the video, you see him going up the wrong side of the highway. You can also hear him a good way off, at the start of the video. He is idling most of the time, but you should hear it when he accelerates.

I have now dubbed him “Daredevil David”. This is the same fella that stands over a septic tank with a shovel, scooping it into the bed of a pick up truck, while smoking. Nothing more daredevil, than standing over a huge pocket of methane, while your smoking.

He’s a nice enough guy when you talk to him, and always helpful. He just has his own quirks, like many of us. I am told, he has had 4 DUI’s in the past and is banned from driving. So he uses the mower on the highway and the shoulder for transportation. I remember having to arrest a man once, for driving intoxicated on a riding mower. It always reminds me of the story about George Jones the deceased country singer, when he was supposedly arrested for the same thing.

I think we all should pitch in for a new muffler for his birthday. That, or dig a wild animal pit.

Comments always welcome,