Smart Phone screen-protectors. Who protects us from them!

Why something so small and apparently simple for many, is so difficult for me. I have stared down barrels of guns, talked to the sharp end of a knife, wielded by some crazy. I handled it. There is one thing that seems to be my nemesis, and causes me to break out in a cold sweat.

“Honey, will you install the screen protector on my new phone?” I get sick to the stomach, my whole body starts to vibrate. I have never, ever, had any luck with a screen protector installation. I take that back, once I managed to get one on a 10.1 inch tablet with just one tiny speck of dust in a corner. 4-5 inch screen? I’m a klutz.

If there is one tiny mote, particle smaller than dust floating around, it will find that damn sticky side of the protector. Then it glares at me every time I see the device. I have tried  dry application types (peel and stick). I have tried wet applications, you know, the ones you spray your fingers with the solution in the tiny bottle,  that always runs out on your second attempt to apply the screen?

The environment needs to be dust free, or as close as possible. I have found myself doing the bathroom shower drill. That is where you turn on the warm/hot water for a while till it gets steamy. Then turn off the water, then wait 5 mins, for the steam to cling to any dust and take it to the floor. So you stand there, trying to not sweat to death, and feel like your in a sauna. Yep, there it is.  A speck of dust, apparently impervious to moisture. I swear, sometimes I think I can hear them coming under the door.

It’s been a long day, I have the screen protector shakes so I’m calling it a night.

Comments always welcome,