Day 18 of “Shelter at Home” Southern Style.

I realize the current situation is serious. There’s enough insanity in our world today, without in-your-face 24/7 coverage of deaths, tests, and doom. If it’s that bad, then why are we still allowing things that make it worse. Talk of alcoholism increasing because alcoholics can’t get to meetings due to closures. The state orders closure of the treatment places, but keeps the state liquor stores open for carry out. Ordering closures of entertainment venues or other large gatherings, then not enforcing the edicts.

No Football?

If it doesn’t wipe us all out, this is a much-needed reset. If the economy and government can hold together through this, there are things that may fall by the wayside and be replaced with some semblance of normalcy. This may be a year without football. I have nothing against the sport, but in the last decade, it has become a contest of craziness. Multi million dollar salaries, hero worship and support for players involved in violence. Best of all, not having to watch players refuse to stand for the National Anthem. In our state, just with the college teams, there are at least 2 deaths a year, related to football parties and arguments over team loyalty.

Yes, I hate to admit it, but I was in line.

I have to wonder (donning my tin-foil hat) about some exemptions to the closures of businesses. Maybe they are anticipating violence before long. Or, this is just the South. Of exempted businesses, gun stores are one. People in these parts, tend to protect what is theirs. A region of avid hunters and gun owners in the South. You think bread and toilet paper is in short supply? Try buying some ammunition. Most of the stores are limiting customers to one or two boxes. Yes, I hate to admit it, but I was in line with two boxes. We live facing the main highway, an easy target for a quick home invasion “hit-and-run”. If things do get bad, I’d rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. I’ve been in law-enforcement, and know how crazy and evil desperate people can be. We’ve seen too many vehicles driving slowly through this park that don’t live here.

Excuse me, but I need to start a pot of coffee. The temperature has dropped, and the expected storms are getting close. Stay safe, stay healthy.