Saturday and sleepy thoughts.

I wanted to sleep in a little this morning, after planning on going to bed at 9 pm, and finally executing said plan around 11:50pm. At 5am I get a cold nose to the forehead, from Michelle’s service dog, a massive 2-month old Great Dane. This is how she asks to go out. I tell her to lay down again, hoping I could get another 30 mins of muchneeded sleep. In 10 minutes, there is another nudge to the head from out of the dark. Then my brain starts working, trying to envision the mess that a 100+ pound dog could make, if they just couldn’t wait. It hasn’t happened but once or twice when she was a pup, but the memory, and clean-up, are etched in my sleepy brain.

Max our German Shepard met me at the door to the bedroom waiting. I let everyone out, got them back in, and laid down on the couch. Then they took turns coming over and touching their nose to mine, till I got up and fed them. Wide awake finally, I decide to come in here to the office.

What do they do? Lay down behind me on the floor, and go to sleep! :crazy: