It must be my lucky day.

First, apologies all around if you have to click that *&%@ cookie bar, thingy, what-cha-ma-call-it. The update to the cookie plugin crashed, I had to apply it again. Hopefully it remembers everyone.

How can I be so lucky in one day. Three exciting spam emails!


I’m using the new Gutenberg editor, have been for the last few months. Trying to get used to it before they just dump it on us. They have improved how some features work, but a block editor lends itself more to web page design, not blogging. They don’t even know if there will be a spell check in it, and current add-on spell checkers don’t work. You have to click on each block, one – at – the – time. Run the spell check, click the next block, repeat. 

I’ll leave you with best wishes and a short video I made a few days ago. Then, I will tackle my office closet and try to wrestle some semblance of organization into it. I will be around to visit all of your blogs.

Comments always welcome,